Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Pericles
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
The Play of
1093Omit we all their dole and woe:
1097Hath their Keele cut: but fortune mou'd,
1098Varies againe, the grisled North
1100That as a Ducke for life that diues,
1101So vp and downe the poore Ship driues:
1102The Lady shreekes, and wel-a-neare,
1103Do's fall in trauayle with her feare:
1106I nill relate, action may
1107Conueniently the rest conuay;
1108Which might not? what by me is told,
1109In your imagination hold:
1110This Stage, the Ship, vpon whose Decke
1112Enter Pericles a Shipboard.
1115Vpon the Windes commaund, bind them in Brasse;
1116Hauing call'd them from the deepe, ô still
1117Thy deafning dreadfull thunders, gently quench
1121Is as a whisper in the eares of death,
1122Vnheard Lychorida? Lucina, oh!
1124To those that cry by night, conuey thy deitie
1125Aboard our dauncing Boat, make swift the pangues
1126Of my Queenes trauayles? now Lychorida.