Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Pericles
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
Pericles Prince of Tyre.
1479Leon. When was this?
1480Mari. When I was borne, neuer was waues nor winde
1486Mari. What meane you?
1488pray, but bee not tedious, for the Gods are quicke of eare,
1490Mari. Why will you kill me?
1493member by my troth, I neuer did her hurt in all my life, I
1495ture: Beleeue me law, I neuer killd a Mouse, nor hurt a Fly:
1496I trode vpon a worme against my will, but I wept fort. How
1497haue I offended, wherein my death might yeeld her anie
1498profit, or my life imply her any danger?
1501Mari. You will not doo't for all the world I hope: you
1502are well fauoured, and your lookes foreshew you haue a
1506saue poore mee the weaker.
1508Pirat.1. Hold villaine.
1509Pira.2. A prize, a prize.
1510Pirat.3. Halfe part mates, halfe part. Come lets haue
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