Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Pericles
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
The Play of
880Yours sir, we haue giuen order be next our owne.
882Princes, it is too late to talke of Loue.
883And that's the marke I know, you leuell at:
884Therefore each one betake him to his rest,
886Enter Hellicanus and Escanes.
889For which the most high Gods not minding,
890Longer to with-hold the vengeance that
891They had in store, due to this heynous
892Capitall offence, euen in the height and pride
893Of all his glory, when he was seated in
894A Chariot of an inestimable value, and his daughter
897That all those eyes ador'd them, ere their fall,
898Scorne now their hand should giue them buriall.
902But sinne had his reward.
903Escan. Tis very true.
904Enter two or three Lords.
9051.Lord. See, not a man in priuate conference,
910Hell. With mee? and welcome happy day ,my Lords.
912And now at length they ouer-flow their bankes.
913Hell. Your griefes, for what?