Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Pericles
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (Quarto)
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
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Pericles Prince of Tyre.
453Cleon. I thought as much.
454One sorrowe neuer comes but brings an heire,
455That may succcede as his inheritor:
457Taking aduantage of our miserie,
459To beat vs downe, the which are downe alreadie,
460And make a conquest of vnhappie mee,
461Whereas no glories got to ouercome.
464bring vs peace, and come to vs as fauourers , not as foes.
467But bring they what they will, and what they can,
468What need wee leaue our grounds the lowest?
469And wee are halfe way there: Goe tell their Generall wee
470attend him heere, to know for what he comes, and whence
471he comes, and what he craues?
472Lord. I goe my Lord.
475Enter Pericles with attendants.
477Let not our Ships and number of our men,
478Be like a beacon fier'de, t'amaze your eyes,
479Wee haue heard your miseries as farre as Tyre,
481Nor come we to adde sorrow to your teares,
482But to relieue them of their heauy loade,
483And these our Ships you happily may thinke,