506231Bar. Godmorrow Corporall
507232Nim. Godmorrow Lieftenant
508233Bar. What is antient
Pistoll and thee friends yet
? 508.1234Nim. I cannot tell, things mu
st be as they may:
511235I dare not
fight, but I will winke and hold out mine Iron:
512236 It is a
simple one, but what tho; it will
serue to to
ste chee
513237And it will endure cold as an other mans
sword will,
514238And theres the humor of it.
514.1239Bar. Yfaith mi
sse quickly did thee great wrong,
521240For thou weart troth plight to her.
B Nim. I
The Chronicle Historie
523241Nim. I mu
st do as I may, tho patience be a tyred mare,
sheel plod, and
say kniues haue edges,
525243And men may
sleepe and haue their throtes about them
526244At that time, and there is the humour of it.
515245Bar. Come yfaith, Ile be
stow a breakfa
st to make
Pistoll 246And thee friendes. What a plague
should we carrie kniues
518248Nim. Yfaith Ile liue as long as I may, thats the certaine of it.
519249And when I cannot liue any longer, Ile do as I may,
520250And theres my re
st, and the randeuous of it.
530251Enter Pistoll and Hostes Quickly, his wife. 531253Here comes ancient
Pistoll, I prithee
Nim be quiet.
532254Nim. How do you my Ho
? 534255Pist.Ba
slaue, calle
st thou me ho
256Now by gads lugges I
sweare, I
scorne the title,
shall my
Nell keepe lodging.
537258Host. No by my troath not I,
538259For we cānot bed nor boord halfe a
score hone
st gētlewomē
260That liue hone
stly by the prick of their needle,
539261But it is thought
straight we keepe a bawdy-hou
539.1262O Lord heeres Corporall
Nims, now
541263We haue wilful adultry and murther committed:
541.1264Good Corporall
Nim shew the valour of a man,
544.1267Pist. What do
st thou pu
sh, thou prickeard cur of I
549268Nim. Will you
shog o
ff? I would haue you
550269Pist. Solus egregious dog, that
solus in thy throte,
551270And in thy lungs, and which is wor
se, within
553271Thy me
sfull mouth, I do retort that
solus in thy
554272Bowels, and in thy Iaw, perdie: for I can talke,
Pistolls fla
firy cock is vp.
556274Nim. I am not
Barbasom, you cannot coniure me:
275I haue an humour
Pistoll to knock you indi
fferently well,
557276And you fall foule with me
Pistoll, Ile
scoure you with my
of Henry the fift.
559277Rapier in faire termes. If you will walke o
ff a little,
560278Ile prick your guts a litle in good termes,
561279And theres the humour of it.
562280Pist. O braggard vile, and damned furious wight,
563281The Graue doth gape, and groaning
282Death is neare, therefore exall.
565284Bar. Heare me, he that
strikes the
st blow,
566285Ile kill him, as I am a
568286Pist. An oath of mickle might, and fury
shall abate.
571287Nim. Ile cut your throat at one time or an other in faire (termes,
572288And theres the humor of it.
573289Pist. Couple gorge is the word, I thee de
fie agen:
574290A damned hound, think
st thou my
se to get?
575291No, to the powdering tub of infamy,
576292Fetch forth the lazar kite of Cre
sides kinde,
293Doll Tear-
she by name, and her e
577294I haue, and I will hold, the
quandom quickly,
578295For the onely
she and
Paco, there it is inough.
581297Boy. Ho
stes you mu
st come
straight to my mai
582298And you Ho
st Pistoll. Good
Bardolfe 583299Put thy no
se between the
sheets, and do the o
ffice of a(warming pan.
586300Host. By my troath heele yeeld the crow a pudding one (of the
se dayes.
586.1301Ile go to him, husband youle come?
589302Bar. Come
Pistoll be friends.
602303Nim prithee be friends, and if thou wilt not be
594305Ni. I
shal haue my eight
shillings I woon of you at beating
? 596306Pist. Ba
se is the
slaue that payes.
597307Nim. That now I will haue, and theres the humor of it.
598308Pist. As manhood
shall compound.
They draw. 599309Bar. He that
strikes the
st blow,
600310Ile kill him by this
601311Pist. Sword is an oath, and oathes mu
st haue their cour
B 2 Nim.
The Chronicle Historie
601.1312Nim. I
shall haue my eight
shillings I wonne of you at
605313Pist. A noble
shalt thou haue, and readie pay,
314And liquor likewi
se will giue to thee,
606315And friend
shall combind and brotherhood:
607316Ile liue by
Nim as
Nim shall liue by me
: 608317Is not this iu
st? for I
shall Sutler be
609318Vnto the Campe, and pro
fit will occrue.
611319Nim. I
shall haue my noble
? 612320Pist. In ca
sh mo
st truly paid.
613321Nim. Why theres the humour of it.
615323Hostes. As euer you came of men come in,
Iohn poore
soule is
so troubled
325With a burning ta
shan contigian feuer, tis wonderfull.
625326Pist. Let us condoll the knight: for lamkins we will liue.