The Chronicle Historie
1031586Betweene his yonger dayes and the
se he mu
sters now,
1032587Now he wayes time euen to the late
st graine,
1033588Which you
finde in your owne lo
1034.1590King. Well for vs, you
shall returne our an
swere backe
1119593Enter Nim, Bardolfe, Pistoll, Boy. 1119.1594Nim. Before God here is hote
1126595Pist. Tis hot indeed, blowes go and come,
596Gods va
ssals drop and die.
1126.1597Nim. Tis honor, and theres the humor of it.
1129598Boy. Would I were in London:
1130599Ide giue all my honor for a pot of Ale.
1131600Pist. And I. If wi
shes would preuaile,
1132601I would not
stay, but thither would I hie.
1136602Enter Flewellen and beates them in. 1137603Flew. Godes plud vp to the breaches
1138604You ra
scals, will you not vp to the breaches
? 1140605Nim. Abate thy rage
sweete knight,
1141.1607Boy. Well I would I were once from them:
1163608They would haue me as familiar
1164609With mens pockets, as their gloues, and their
1158610Handkerchers, they will
steale any thing.
1159611Bardolfe stole a Lute ca
se, carryed it three mile,
sold it for three hapence.
1162614I knew by that, they meant to carry coales:
1168615Well, if they will not leaue me,
616I meane to leaue them.
1170617ExitNim, Bardolfe, Pistoll, and the Boy. 1172619Gower. Gaptain
Flewellen, you mu
st come
620To the Mines, to the Duke of