of Henry the fift.
1368So hath he
sworne the like to me.
26621369K. How think you
Flewellen, is it lawfull he keep his oath
? 2662.11370Fl. And it plea
se your maje
sty, tis lawful he keep his vow.
2662.21371If he be periur'd once, he is as arrant a beggerly knaue,
26721372As treads vpon too blacke
26661373Kin. His enemy may be a gentleman of worth.
26681374Flew. And if he be as good a gentleman as Lucifer
26691375And Belzebub, and the diuel him
1376Tis meete he keepe his vowe.
26741377Kin. Well
sirrha keep your word.
26771378Vnder what Captain
st thou
? 26791380Flew. Captaine
Gower is a good Captaine:
26801381And hath good littrature in the warres.
26821383Soul. I will my Lord.
Exit souldier.
26831384Kin. Captain
Flewellen, when
Alonson and I was
26851385Downe together,
I tooke this gloue o
ff from his helmet,
Flewellen, weare it.
If any do challenge it,
26891389Fle. Your maie
stie doth me as great a fauour
1390As can be de
sired in the harts of his
26901391I would
see that man now that
should chalenge this gloue:
26931392And it plea
se God of his grace.
I would but
see him,
26941394Kin. Flewellen know
st thou Captaine
Gower? 26951395Fle. Captaine
Gower is my friend.
1396And if it like your maie
I know him very well.
26981398Flew. I will and it
shall plea
se your maie
27001399Kin. Follow
Flewellen clo
sely at the heeles,
27011400The gloue he weares, it was the
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