of Henry the fift.
23701163Come thou no more for ran
som, gentle Herauld.
shal haue nought I
sweare, but the
se my bones
: 23721165Which if they haue, as
I wil leave am them,
23731166Will yeeld them litle, tell the Con
23791169Yorke. My gracious Lord, vpon my knee
I craue,
23811171Kin. Take it braue
Yorke. Come
souldiers lets away:
23831172And as thou plea
st God, di
se the day.
24601178Bur. O Iour dei houte all is gone, all is lo
24781179Con. We are inough yet liuing in the
24801181If any order might be thought vpon.
24811182Bur. A plague of order, once more to the
2481.21184Let him go home, and with his cap in hand,
2481.31185Like a bace leno hold the chamber doore,
2481.41186Why lea
st by a
slaue no gentler then my dog,
2481.61188Con. Di
sorder that hath
spoyld vs, right vs now,
2481.71189Come we in heapes, weele o
ffer vp our liues
2481.81190Vnto the
se Engli
sh, or el
se die with fame.
2481.101192Lets dye with honour, our
shame doth la
st too long.
E 3 Enter