of Henry the fift.
1921960But you
finde the cares, and the feares,
961And the ceremonies, to be otherwi
1924962Gour. Why the enemy is loud: you heard him all night.
1926963Flew. Godes
sollud, if the enemy be an A
sse & a Foole,
964And a prating cocks-come, is it meet that we be al
so a foole,
1928965And a prating cocks-come, in your con
science now
? 1931967Flew. I be
seech you do, good Captaine
1932969Kin. Tho it appeare a litle out of fa
1933970Yet theres much care in this.
19369721. Soul. Is not that the morning yonder
? 19409732. Soul. I we
see the beginning,
1941974God knowes whether we
see the end or no.
19649753. Soul. Well I thinke the king could wi
sh him
1965976Vp to the necke in the middle of the Thames,
so I would he were, at all aduentures, and I with him.
1941.1978Kin. Now ma
sters god morrow, what cheare
? 1941.29793. S. Ifaith
small cheer
some of vs is like to haue,
1941.4981Kin. Why fear nothing man, the king is frolike.
1941.59822. S. I he may be, for he hath no
such cau
se as we
1952983Kin. Nay
say not
so, he is a man as we are.
1953984The Violet
smels to him as to vs:
1958985Therefore if he
see rea
sons, he feares as we do.
19829862. Sol. But the king hath a heauy reckoning to make,
1983987If his cau
se be not good: when all tho
se bodies
shall be
slaughtered here,
1985989Shall ioyne together at the latter day,
I dyed at
such a place. Some
1987991Some their wiues rawly left:
1988992Some leauing their children poore behind them.