The Chronicle Historie
601.1312Nim. I
shall haue my eight
shillings I wonne of you at
605313Pist. A noble
shalt thou haue, and readie pay,
314And liquor likewi
se will giue to thee,
606315And friend
shall combind and brotherhood:
607316Ile liue by
Nim as
Nim shall liue by me
: 608317Is not this iu
st? for I
shall Sutler be
609318Vnto the Campe, and pro
fit will occrue.
611319Nim. I
shall haue my noble
? 612320Pist. In ca
sh mo
st truly paid.
613321Nim. Why theres the humour of it.
615323Hostes. As euer you came of men come in,
Iohn poore
soule is
so troubled
325With a burning ta
shan contigian feuer, tis wonderfull.
625326Pist. Let us condoll the knight: for lamkins we will liue.
627328Enter Exeter and Gloster.
628329Glost. Before God my Lord, his Grace is too bold to tru
st 629331Exe. They
shalbe apprehended by and by.
635332Glost. I but the man that was his bedfellow
636333Whom he hath cloyed and graced with princely fauours
637334That he
should for a forraine pur
se, to
638335His Soueraignes life to death and trechery.
640337Enter the King and three Lords.
641338King. Now
sirs the windes faire, and we wil aboord;
642339My Lord of
Cambridge, and my Lord of
643340And you my gentle Knight, giue me your thoughts,
644341Do you not thinke the power we beare with vs,
645342Will make vs conquerors in the
field of
France? 648343Massha. No doubt my Liege, if each man do his be
Cam. Neuer