The Chronicle Historie
1524786Will do among the foming bottles and alewa
sht wits
1525787Is wonderfull to be thought on: but you mu
st learne
1526788To know
slaunders of this age,
1527789Or el
se you may maruellou
sly be mi
1529790Flew. Certain captain
Gower, it is not the man, looke you,
1530791That I did take him to be: but when time
shall tell him a litle of my de
sires: here comes his Maie
1534793 Enter King, Clarence, Gloster and others. 1537794King. How now
Flewellen, come you from the bridge
? 1538795Flew. I and it
shall plea
se your Maie
1540796There is excellent
seruice at the bridge.
1545797King. What men haue you lo
st Flewellen? 1545.1798Flew. And it
shall plea
se your Maie
1546799The partition of the aduer
sarie hath bene great,
800Very rea
sonable great: but for our own parts, like you now,
1547801I thinke we haue lo
st neuer a man, vnle
sse it be one
1549802For robbing of a church, one
Bardolfe, if your Maie
1550803Know the man, his face is full of whelkes and knubs,
804And pumples, and his breath blowes at his no
1552805Like a cole,
sometimes red,
sometimes plew:
1553806But god be prai
sed, now his no
se is executed, & his
fire out.
1555807King. We would haue all o
so cut o
1556808And we here giue expre
sse commaundment,
1557809That there be nothing taken from the villages but paid for,
1559811Or abraided with di
sdainfull language:
812For when cruelty and lenitie play for a Kingdome,
1560813The gentle
st game
ster is the
sooner winner.
1563815Hera. You know me by my habit.
1564816Ki. Well thē, we know thee, what
shuld we know of thee?
1568819Heral. Go thee vnto
Harry of
England, and tell him,
1570820Aduantage is a better
souldier then ra