Peer Reviewed
- Edition: As You Like It
As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
As you like it.
729He will haue other meanes to cut you off;
731This is no place, this house is but a butcherie;
732Abhorre it, feare it, doe not enter it.
737A theeuish liuing on the common rode?
738This I must do, or know not what to do:
739Yet this I will not do, do how I can,
741Of a diuerted blood, and bloudie brother.
743The thriftie hire I saued vnder your Father,
746And vnregarded age in corners throwne,
747Take that, and he that doth the Rauens feede,
748Yea prouidently caters for the Sparrow,
749Be comfort to my age: here is the gold,
750All this I giue you, let me be your seruant,
752For in my youth I neuer did apply
753Hot, and rebellious liquors in my bloud,
754Nor did not with vnbashfull forehead woe,
755The meanes of weaknesse and debilitie,
756Therefore my age is as a lustie winter,
757Frostie, but kindely; let me goe with you,
758Ile doe the seruice of a yonger man
760Orl. Oh good old man, how well in thee appeares
764Where none will sweate, but for promotion,
765And hauing that do choake their seruice vp,
766Euen with the hauing, it is not so with thee:
767But poore old man, thou prun'st a rotten tree,
769In lieu of all thy paines and husbandrie,
770But come thy waies, weele goe along together,
771And ere we haue thy youthfull wages spent,
776Here liued I, but now liue here no more
778But at fourescore, it is too late a weeke,
779Yet fortune cannot recompence me better
781Scena Quarta.
782Enter Rosaline for Ganimed, Celia for Aliena, and
783Clowne, alias Touchstone.
788apparell, and to cry like a woman: but I must comfort
790selfe coragious to petty-coate; therefore courage, good
794Clo. For my part, I had rather beare with you, then
796you, for I thinke you haue no money in your purse.
798Clo. I, now am I in Arden, the more foole I, when I
799was at home I was in a better place, but Trauellers must
800be content.
801Enter Corin and Siluius.
803here, a yong man and an old in solemne talke.
808Though in thy youth thou wast as true a louer
809As euer sigh'd vpon a midnight pillow:
810But if thy loue were euer like to mine,
817That euer loue did make thee run into,
818Thou hast not lou'd.
821Thou hast not lou'd.
822Or if thou hast not broke from companie,
823Abruptly as my passion now makes me,
824Thou hast not lou'd.
825O Phebe, Phebe, Phebe. Exit.
827I haue by hard aduenture found mine owne.
828Clo. And I mine: I remember when I was in loue, I
831sing of her batler, and the Cowes dugs that her prettie
832chopt hands had milk'd; and I remember the wooing
834cods, and giuing her them againe, said with weeping
836uers, runne into strange capers; but as all is mortall in
837nature, so is all nature in loue, mortall in folly.
842Is much vpon my fashion.
846If he for gold will giue vs any foode,
847I faint almost to death.
848Clo. Holla; you Clowne.
850Cor. Who cals?
851Clo. Your betters Sir.