Peer Reviewed
- Edition: As You Like It
As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
As you like it.
609Then that of painted pompe? Are not these woods
610More free from perill then the enuious Court?
611Heere feele we not the penaltie of Adam,
613And churlish chiding of the winters winde,
614Which when it bites and blowes vpon my body
617That feelingly perswade me what I am:
619Which like the toad, ougly and venemous,
620Weares yet a precious Iewell in his head:
621And this our life exempt from publike haunt,
622Findes tongues in trees, bookes in the running brookes,
623Sermons in stones, and good in euery thing.
624Amien. I would not change it, happy is your Grace
628And yet it irkes me the poore dapled fooles
629Being natiue Burgers of this desert City,
631Haue their round hanches goard.
6321. Lord. Indeed my Lord
633The melancholy Iaques grieues at that,
635Then doth your brother that hath banish'd you:
636To day my Lord of Amiens, and my selfe,
637Did steale behinde him as he lay along
638Vnder an oake, whose anticke roote peepes out
639Vpon the brooke that brawles along this wood,
641That from the Hunters aime had tane a hurt,
642Did come to languish; and indeed my Lord
643The wretched annimall heau'd forth such groanes
646Cours'd one another downe his innocent nose
647In pitteous chase: and thus the hairie foole,
648Much marked of the melancholie Iaques,
650Augmenting it with teares.
656As worldlings doe, giuing thy sum of more
657To that which had too must: then being there alone,
658Left and abandoned of his veluet friend;
659'Tis right quoth he, thus miserie doth part
660The Fluxe of companie: anon a carelesse Heard
661Full of the pasture, iumps along by him
662And neuer staies to greet him: I quoth Iaques,
663Sweepe on you fat and greazie Citizens,
665Vpon that poore and broken bankrupt there?
667The body of Countrie, Citie, Court,
668Yea, and of this our life, swearing that we
670To fright the Annimals, and to kill them vp
671In their assign'd and natiue dwelling place.
672D.Sen. And did you leaue him in this contemplation?
6732.Lord. We did my Lord, weeping and commenting
674Vpon the sobbing Deere.
675Du.Sen. Show me the place,
677For then he's full of matter.
679Scena Secunda.
680Enter Duke, with Lords.
682It cannot be, some villaines of my Court
685The Ladies her attendants of her chamber
686Saw her a bed, and in the morning early,
692Your daughter and her Cosen much commend
693The parts and graces of the Wrastler
694That did but lately foile the synowie Charles,
695And she beleeues where euer they are gone
696That youth is surely in their companie.
697Duk. Send to his brother, fetch that gallant hither,
698If he be absent, bring his Brother to me,
702Scena Tertia.
703Enter Orlando and Adam.
704Orl. Who's there?
707Of old Sir Rowland; why, what make you here?
708Why are you vertuous? Why do people loue you?
709And wherefore are you gentle, strong, and valiant?
710Why would you be so fond to ouercome
711The bonnie priser of the humorous Duke?
714Their graces serue them but as enemies,
715No more doe yours: your vertues gentle Master
717Oh what a world is this, when what is comely
718Enuenoms him that beares it?
719Why, what's the matter?
720Ad. O vnhappie youth,
721Come not within these doores: within this roofe
722The enemie of all your graces liues
723Your brother, no, no brother, yet the sonne
725Of him I was about to call his Father,
726Hath heard your praises, and this night he meanes,
727To burne the lodging where you vse to lye,
728And you within it: if he faile of that