103Lords haue put them
selues into voluntary exile with
104him, who
se lands and reuenues enrich the new Duke,
105therefore he giues them good leaue to wander.
106Oli. Can you tell if
Rosalind the Dukes daughter bee
shed with her Father?
108Cha. O no; for the Dukes daughter her Co
109loues her, being euer from their Cradles bred together,
110that hee would haue followed her exile, or haue died to
111stay behind her;
she is at the Court, and no le
sse beloued
112of her Vncle, then his owne daughter, and neuer two La
- 113dies loued as they doe.
114Oli. Where will the old Duke liue?
115Cha. They
say hee is already in the Forre
st of
116and a many merry men with him; and there they liue
117like the old
Robin Hood of
England: they
say many yong
flocke to him euery day, and
fleet the time
sly as they did in the golden world.
120Oli. What, you wra
stle to morrow before the new
122Cha. Marry doe I
sir: and I came to acquaint you
123with a matter: I am giuen
secretly to vnder
stand, that
124your yonger brother
Orlando hath a di
sition to come
125in di
sguis'd again
st mee to try a fall: to morrow
sir I
stle for my credit, and hee that e
scapes me without
127some broken limbe,
shall acquit him well: your brother
128is but young and tender, and for your loue I would bee
129loth to foyle him, as I mu
st for my owne honour if hee
130come in: therefore out of my loue to you, I came hither
131to acquaint you withall, that either you might
stay him
132from his intendment, or brooke
such di
sgrace well as he
133shall runne into, in that it is a thing of his owne
134and altogether again
st my will.
135Oli. Charles, I thanke thee for thy loue to me, which
finde I will mo
st kindly requite: I had my
137selfe notice of my Brothers purpo
se heerein, and haue by
138vnder-hand meanes laboured to di
sswade him from it;
139but he is re
solute. Ile tell thee
Charles, it is the
- 140ne
st yong fellow of France, full of ambition, an enuious
141emulator of euery mans good parts, a
secret & villanous
142contriuer again
st mee his naturall brother: therefore v
143thy di
scretion, I had as liefe thou did
st breake his necke
144as his
finger. And thou wert be
st looke to't; for if thou
st him any
slight di
sgrace, or if hee doe not mightilie
146grace him
selfe on thee, hee will pra
se again
st thee by
son, entrap thee by
some treacherous deui
se, and ne
- 148uer leaue thee till he hath tane thy life by
some indire
ct 149meanes or other: for I a
ssure thee, (and almo
st with
150teares I
speake it) there is not one
so young, and
so vil
- 151lanous this day liuing. I
speake but brotherly of him,
should I anathomize him to thee, as hee is, I mu
st 153blu
sh, and weepe, and thou mu
st looke pale and
155Cha. I am heartily glad I came hither to you: if hee
156come to morrow, Ile giue him his payment: if euer hee
157goe alone againe, Ile neuer wra
stle for prize more: and
158so God keepe your wor
Exit. 159 Farewell good
Charles. Now will I
stirre this Game
- 160ster: I hope I
see an end of him; for my
soule (yet
161I know not why) hates nothing more then he: yet hee's
162gentle, neuer
school'd, and yet learned, full of noble
se, of all
sorts enchantingly beloued, and indeed
164so much in the heart of the world, and e
specially of my
165owne people, who be
st know him, that I am altogether
sed: but it
shall not be
so long, this wra
167cleare all: nothing remaines, but that I kindle the boy
168thither, which now Ile goe about.
170Enter Rosalind, and Cellia.
171Cel. I pray thee
sweet my Coz, be merry.
172Ros. Deere
Cellia; I
show more mirth then I am mi
- 173stre
sse of, and would you yet were merrier: vnle
sse you
174could teach me to forget a bani
shed father, you mu
st not
175learne mee how to remember any extraordinary plea
- 177Cel. Heerein I
see thou lou'
st mee not with the full
178waight that I loue thee; if my Vncle thy bani
shed father
179had bani
shed thy Vncle the Duke my Father,
so thou
st beene
still with mee, I could haue taught my loue
181to take thy father for mine;
so would
st thou, if the truth
182of thy loue to me were
so righteou
sly temper'd, as mine
184Ros. Well, I will forget the condition of my e
186Cel. You know my Father hath no childe, but I, nor
187none is like to haue; and truely when he dies, thou
188be his heire; for what hee hath taken away from thy fa
- 189ther perforce, I will render thee againe in a
ction: by
190mine honor I will, and when I breake that oath, let mee
191turne mon
ster: therefore my
Rose, my deare
193Ros. From henceforth I will Coz, and deui
194let me
see, what thinke you of falling in Loue?
195Cel. Marry I prethee doe, to make
sport withall: but
196loue no man in good earne
st, nor no further in
sport ney
- 197ther, then with
safety of a pure blu
sh, thou mai
st in ho
- 199Ros. What
shall be our
sport then?
200Cel. Let vs
sit and mocke the good hou
For- 201tune from her wheele, that her gifts may henceforth bee
203Ros. I would wee could doe
so: for her bene
fits are
204mightily mi
splaced, and the bountifull blinde woman
205doth mo
st mi
stake in her gifts to women.
206Cel. 'Tis true, for tho
se that
she makes faire,
207makes hone
st, & tho
se that
she makes hone
she makes
209Ros. Nay now thou goe
st from Fortunes o
ffice to Na
- 210tures: Fortune reignes in gifts of the world, not in the
213Cel. No; when Nature hath made a faire creature,
she not by Fortune fall into the
fire? though nature
215hath giuen vs wit to
flout at Fortune, hath not Fortune
216sent in this foole to cut o
ff the argument?
217Ros. Indeed there is fortune too hard for nature, when
218fortune makes natures naturall, the cutter o
ff of natures
220Cel. Peraduenture this is not Fortunes work neither,
221but Natures, who perceiueth our naturall wits too dull
222to rea
son of
such godde
sses, hath
sent this Naturall for
223our whet
stone. for alwaies the dulne
sse of the foole, is
224the whet
stone of the wits. How now Witte, whether
226Clow. Mi
sse, you mu
st come away to your farher.
227Cel. Were you made the me
? 228Clo. No by mine honor, but I was bid to come for you