Peer Reviewed
- Edition: As You Like It
As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
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As you Like it.
1Actus primus. Scœna Prima.
2Enter Orlando and Adam.
4As I remember Adam, it was vpon this fashion
5bequeathed me by will, but poore a thousand
7ther on his blessing to breed mee well: and
11more properly) staies me heere at home vnkept: for call
12you that keeping for a gentleman of my birth, that dif-
14better, for besides that they are faire with their feeding,
15they are taught their mannage, and to that end Riders
16deerely hir'd: but I (his brother) gaine nothing vnder
17him but growth, for the which his Animals on his
20nature gaue mee, his countenance seemes to take from
21me: hee lets mee feede with his Hindes, barres mee the
22place of a brother, and as much as in him lies, mines my
23gentility with my education. This is it Adam that
24grieues me, and the spirit of my Father, which I thinke
26I will no longer endure it, though yet I know no wise
27remedy how to auoid it.
28Enter Oliuer.
31he will shake me vp.
32Oli. Now Sir, what make you heere?
33Orl. Nothing: I am not taught to make any thing.
36God made, a poore vnworthy brother of yours with
39a while.
42come to such penury?
46Orl. I, better then him I am before knowes mee: I
50borne, but the same tradition takes not away my bloud,
51were there twenty brothers betwixt vs: I haue as much
53ming before me is neerer to his reuerence.
54Oli. What Boy.
55Orl. Come, come elder brother, you are too yong in(this.
56Oli. Wilt thou lay hands on me villaine?
58Rowland de Boys, he was my father, and he is thrice a vil-
60not my brother, I would not take this hand from thy
61throat, till this other had puld out thy tongue for saying
64remembrance, be at accord.
67father charg'd you in his will to giue me good educati-
68on: you haue train'd me like a pezant, obscuring and
69hiding from me all gentleman-like qualities: the spirit
70of my father growes strong in mee, and I will no longer
72come a gentleman, or giue mee the poore allottery my
73father left me by testament, with that I will goe buy my
76Well sir, get you in. I will not long be troubled with
78leaue me.
80for my good.
81Oli. Get you with him, you olde dogge.
87crownes neyther: holla Dennis.
88Enter Dennis.
91speake with me?
93portunes accesse to you.
95row the wrastling is.
96Enter Charles.
99at the new Court?
100Charles. There's no newes at the Court Sir, but the
102ger brother the new Duke, and three or foure louing
103Lords haue put themselues into voluntary exile with
104him, whose lands and reuenues enrich the new Duke,
105therefore he giues them good leaue to wander.
107banished with her Father?
109loues her, being euer from their Cradles bred together,
110that hee would haue followed her exile, or haue died to
112of her Vncle, then his owne daughter, and neuer two La-
113dies loued as they doe.
114Oli. Where will the old Duke liue?
116and a many merry men with him; and there they liue
117like the old Robin Hood of England: they say many yong
119carelesly as they did in the golden world.
128is but young and tender, and for your loue I would bee
129loth to foyle him, as I must for my owne honour if hee
130come in: therefore out of my loue to you, I came hither
131to acquaint you withall, that either you might stay him
134and altogether against my will.
135Oli. Charles, I thanke thee for thy loue to me, which
138vnder-hand meanes laboured to disswade him from it;
140nest yong fellow of France, full of ambition, an enuious
141emulator of euery mans good parts, a secret & villanous
151lanous this day liuing. I speake but brotherly of him,
155Cha. I am heartily glad I came hither to you: if hee
156come to morrow, Ile giue him his payment: if euer hee
157goe alone againe, Ile neuer wrastle for prize more: and
161I know not why) hates nothing more then he: yet hee's
162gentle, neuer school'd, and yet learned, full of noble
165owne people, who best know him, that I am altogether
167cleare all: nothing remaines, but that I kindle the boy
168thither, which now Ile goe about. Exit.
169Scœna Secunda.
170Enter Rosalind, and Cellia.
175learne mee how to remember any extraordinary plea-
178waight that I loue thee; if my Vncle thy banished father
183is to thee.
185to reioyce in yours.
186Cel. You know my Father hath no childe, but I, nor
187none is like to haue; and truely when he dies, thou shalt
188be his heire; for what hee hath taken away from thy fa-
190mine honor I will, and when I breake that oath, let mee
192be merry.
194let me see, what thinke you of falling in Loue?
198nor come off againe.
201tune from her wheele, that her gifts may henceforth bee
202bestowed equally.
204mightily misplaced, and the bountifull blinde woman
208very illfauouredly.
210tures: Fortune reignes in gifts of the world, not in the
211lineaments of Nature.
212Enter Clowne.
213Cel. No; when Nature hath made a faire creature,
215hath giuen vs wit to flout at Fortune, hath not Fortune
217Ros. Indeed there is fortune too hard for nature, when
218fortune makes natures naturall, the cutter off of natures
220Cel. Peraduenture this is not Fortunes work neither,
221but Natures, who perceiueth our naturall wits too dull
224the whetstone of the wits. How now Witte, whether
225wander you?
228Clo. No by mine honor, but I was bid to come for you
229Ros. Where learned you that oath foole?
231they were good Pan-cakes, and swore by his Honor the
233were naught, and the Mustard was good, and yet was
234not the Knight forsworne.
235Cel. How proue you that in the great heape of your
239and sweare by your beards that I am a knaue.
240Cel. By our beards (if we had them) thou art.
241Clo. By my knauerie (if I had it) then I were: but if
244uer had anie; or if he had, he had sworne it away, before
246Cel. Prethee, who is't that thou means't?
247Clo. One that old Fredericke your Father loues.
248Ros. My Fathers loue is enough to honor him enough;
249speake no more of him, you'l be whipt for taxation one
250of these daies.
254wit that fooles haue was silenced, the little foolerie that
256sieur the Beu.
257Enter le Beau.
258Ros. With his mouth full of newes.
263Boon-iour Monsieur le Beu, what's the newes?
266Cel. Sport: of what colour?
268swer you?
269Ros. As wit and fortune will.
272Clo. Nay, if I keepe not my ranke.
274Le Beu. You amaze me Ladies: I would haue told
279to doe, and heere where you are, they are comming to
280performe it.
281Cel. Well, the beginning that is dead and buried.
283Cel. I could match this beginning with an old tale.
284Le Beu. Three proper yong men, of excellent growth
285and presence.
286Ros. With bils on their neckes: Be it knowne vnto
289the Dukes Wrastler, which Charles in a moment threw
290him, and broke three of his ribbes, that there is little
292third: yonder they lie, the poore old man their Father,
294ders take his part with weeping.
295Ros. Alas.
297haue lost?
301for Ladies.
307place appointed for the wrastling, and they are ready to
308performe it.
310and see it.
312and Attendants.
314His owne perill on his forwardnesse.
315Ros. Is yonder the man??
316Le Beu. Euen he, Madam.
321Du. You wil take little delight in it, I can tell you
323gers youth, I would faine disswade him, but he will not
324bee entreated. Speake to him Ladies, see if you can
325mooue him.
329for you.
331Ros. Young man, haue you challeng'd Charles the
334I come but in as others do, to try with him the strength
335of my youth.
337your yeares: you haue seene cruell proofe of this mans
342tie, and giue ouer this attempt.
345the wrastling might not go forward.
347thoughts, wherein I confesse me much guiltie to denie
348so faire and excellent Ladies anie thing. But let your
349faire eies, and gentle wishes go with mee to my triall;
351neuer gracious: if kil'd, but one dead that is willing to
353lament me: the world no iniurie, for in it I haue nothing:
354onely in the world I fil vp a place, which may bee better
355supplied, when I haue made it emptie.
357with you.
358Cel. And mine to eeke out hers.
359Ros. Fare you well: praie heauen I be deceiu'd in you.
362desirous to lie with his mother earth?
370haue mockt me before: but come your waies.
373low by the legge. Wrastle.
374Ros. Oh excellent yong man.
375Cel. If I had a thunderbolt in mine eie, I can tell who
377Duk. No more, no more.
382Duk. Beare him awaie:
383What is thy name yong man?
385land de Boys.
387The world esteem'd thy father honourable,
391But fare thee well, thou art a gallant youth,
392I would thou had'st told me of another Father.
393 Exit Duke.
394Cel. Were I my Father (Coze) would I do this?
397To be adopted heire to Fredricke.
399And all the world was of my Fathers minde,
400Had I before knowne this yong man his sonne,
401I should haue giuen him teares vnto entreaties,
402Ere he should thus haue ventur'd.
404Let vs goe thanke him, and encourage him:
406Sticks me at heart: Sir, you haue well deseru'd,
407If you doe keepe your promises in loue;
410Ros. Gentleman,
411Weare this for me: one out of suites with fortune
412That could giue more, but that her hand lacks meanes.
413Shall we goe Coze?
414Cel. I: fare you well faire Gentleman.
416Are all throwne downe, and that which here stands vp
417Is but a quintine, a meere liuelesse blocke.
418Ros. He cals vs back: my pride fell with my fortunes,
419Ile aske him what he would: Did you call Sir?
420Sir, you haue wrastled well, and ouerthrowne
421More then your enemies.
422Cel. Will you goe Coze?
426Enter Le Beu.
427O poore Orlando! thou art ouerthrowne
430To leaue this place; Albeit you haue deseru'd
431High commendation, true applause, and loue;
432Yet such is now the Dukes condition,
434The Duke is humorous, what he is indeede
436Orl. I thanke you Sir; and pray you tell me this,
437Which of the two was daughter of the Duke,
438That here was at the Wrastling?
439Le Beu. Neither his daughter, if we iudge by manners,
440But yet indeede the taller is his daughter,
441The other is daughter to the banish'd Duke,
442And here detain'd by her vsurping Vncle
443To keepe his daughter companie, whose loues
444Are deerer then the naturall bond of Sisters:
445But I can tell you, that of late this Duke
447Grounded vpon no other argument,
448But that the people praise her for her vertues,
449And pittie her, for her good Fathers sake;
450And on my life his malice 'gainst the Lady
451Will sodainly breake forth: Sir, fare you well,
452Hereafter in a better world then this,
456From tyrant Duke, vnto a tyrant Brother.
458Scena Tertius.
459Enter Celia and Rosaline.
461Not a word?
462Ros. Not one to throw at a dog.
464vpon curs, throw some of them at me; come lame mee
465with reasons.
468without any.
469Cel. But is all this for your Father?
471how full of briers is this working day world.
473in holiday foolerie, if we walke not in the trodden paths
474our very petty-coates will catch them.
476in my heart.
477Cel. Hem them away.
478Ros. I would try if I could cry hem, and haue him.
481my selfe.
487Ros. The Duke my Father lou'd his Father deerelie.
490him, for my father hated his father deerely; yet I hate
491not Orlando.
494Enter Duke with Lords.
495Ros. Let me loue him for that, and do you loue him
496Because I doe. Looke, here comes the Duke.
497Cel. With his eies full of anger.
499And get you from our Court.
500Ros. Me Vncle.
503So neere our publike Court as twentie miles,
504Thou diest for it.
506Let me the knowledge of my fault beare with me:
507If with my selfe I hold intelligence,
508Or haue acquaintance with mine owne desires,
509If that I doe not dreame, or be not franticke,
510(As I doe trust I am not) then deere Vncle,
511Neuer so much as in a thought vnborne,
513Duk. Thus doe all Traitors,
515They are as innocent as grace it selfe;
518Tell me whereon the likelihoods depends?
519Duk. Thou art thy Fathers daughter, there's enough.
520Ros. So was I when your highnes took his Dukdome,
522Treason is not inherited my Lord,
523Or if we did deriue it from our friends,
524What's that to me, my Father was no Traitor,
526To thinke my pouertie is treacherous.
532I was too yong that time to value her,
533But now I know her: if she be a Traitor,
536And wheresoere we went, like Iunos Swans,
537Still we went coupled and inseperable.
539Her verie silence, and per patience,
540Speake to the people, and they pittie her:
541Thou art a foole, she robs thee of thy name,
543When she is gone: then open not thy lips
544Firme, and irreuocable is my doombe,
547I cannot liue out of her companie.
549If you out-stay the time, vpon mine honor,
550And in the greatnesse of my word you die.
551 Exit Duke, &c.
553Wilt thou change Fathers? I will giue thee mine:
554I charge thee be not thou more grieu'd then I am.
557Prethee be cheerefull; know'st thou not the Duke
558Hath banish'd me his daughter?
559Ros. That he hath not.
561Which teacheth thee that thou and I am one,
563No, let my Father seeke another heire:
565Whether to goe, and what to beare with vs,
566And doe not seeke to take your change vpon you,
567To beare your griefes your selfe, and leaue me out:
568For by this heauen, now at our sorrowes pale;
569Say what thou canst, Ile goe along with thee.
572Ros. Alas, what danger will it be to vs,
573(Maides as we are) to trauell forth so farre?
574Beautie prouoketh theeues sooner then gold.
576And with a kinde of vmber smirch my face,
579Ros. Were it not better,
580Because that I am more then common tall,
581That I did suite me all points like a man,
582A gallant curtelax vpon my thigh,
583A bore-speare in my hand, and in my heart
584Lye there what hidden womans feare there will,
586As manie other mannish cowards haue,
587That doe outface it with their semblances.
590And therefore looke you call me Ganimed.
591But what will you be call'd?
593No longer Celia, but Aliena.
595The clownish Foole out of your Fathers Court:
596Would he not be a comfort to our trauaile?
597Cel. Heele goe along ore the wide world with me,
598Leaue me alone to woe him; Let's away
599And get our Iewels and our wealth together,
601To hide vs from pursuite that will be made
602After my flight: now goe in we content
604Actus Secundus. Scœna Prima.
605Enter Duke Senior: Amyens, and two or three Lords
606like Forresters.
607Duk.Sen. Now my Coe-mates, and brothers in exile:
609Then that of painted pompe? Are not these woods
610More free from perill then the enuious Court?
611Heere feele we not the penaltie of Adam,
613And churlish chiding of the winters winde,
614Which when it bites and blowes vpon my body
617That feelingly perswade me what I am:
619Which like the toad, ougly and venemous,
620Weares yet a precious Iewell in his head:
621And this our life exempt from publike haunt,
622Findes tongues in trees, bookes in the running brookes,
623Sermons in stones, and good in euery thing.
624Amien. I would not change it, happy is your Grace
628And yet it irkes me the poore dapled fooles
629Being natiue Burgers of this desert City,
631Haue their round hanches goard.
6321. Lord. Indeed my Lord
633The melancholy Iaques grieues at that,
635Then doth your brother that hath banish'd you:
636To day my Lord of Amiens, and my selfe,
637Did steale behinde him as he lay along
638Vnder an oake, whose anticke roote peepes out
639Vpon the brooke that brawles along this wood,
641That from the Hunters aime had tane a hurt,
642Did come to languish; and indeed my Lord
643The wretched annimall heau'd forth such groanes
646Cours'd one another downe his innocent nose
647In pitteous chase: and thus the hairie foole,
648Much marked of the melancholie Iaques,
650Augmenting it with teares.
656As worldlings doe, giuing thy sum of more
657To that which had too must: then being there alone,
658Left and abandoned of his veluet friend;
659'Tis right quoth he, thus miserie doth part
660The Fluxe of companie: anon a carelesse Heard
661Full of the pasture, iumps along by him
662And neuer staies to greet him: I quoth Iaques,
663Sweepe on you fat and greazie Citizens,
665Vpon that poore and broken bankrupt there?
667The body of Countrie, Citie, Court,
668Yea, and of this our life, swearing that we
670To fright the Annimals, and to kill them vp
671In their assign'd and natiue dwelling place.
672D.Sen. And did you leaue him in this contemplation?
6732.Lord. We did my Lord, weeping and commenting
674Vpon the sobbing Deere.
675Du.Sen. Show me the place,
677For then he's full of matter.
679Scena Secunda.
680Enter Duke, with Lords.
682It cannot be, some villaines of my Court
685The Ladies her attendants of her chamber
686Saw her a bed, and in the morning early,
692Your daughter and her Cosen much commend
693The parts and graces of the Wrastler
694That did but lately foile the synowie Charles,
695And she beleeues where euer they are gone
696That youth is surely in their companie.
697Duk. Send to his brother, fetch that gallant hither,
698If he be absent, bring his Brother to me,
702Scena Tertia.
703Enter Orlando and Adam.
704Orl. Who's there?
707Of old Sir Rowland; why, what make you here?
708Why are you vertuous? Why do people loue you?
709And wherefore are you gentle, strong, and valiant?
710Why would you be so fond to ouercome
711The bonnie priser of the humorous Duke?
714Their graces serue them but as enemies,
715No more doe yours: your vertues gentle Master
717Oh what a world is this, when what is comely
718Enuenoms him that beares it?
719Why, what's the matter?
720Ad. O vnhappie youth,
721Come not within these doores: within this roofe
722The enemie of all your graces liues
723Your brother, no, no brother, yet the sonne
725Of him I was about to call his Father,
726Hath heard your praises, and this night he meanes,
727To burne the lodging where you vse to lye,
728And you within it: if he faile of that
729He will haue other meanes to cut you off;
731This is no place, this house is but a butcherie;
732Abhorre it, feare it, doe not enter it.
737A theeuish liuing on the common rode?
738This I must do, or know not what to do:
739Yet this I will not do, do how I can,
741Of a diuerted blood, and bloudie brother.
743The thriftie hire I saued vnder your Father,
746And vnregarded age in corners throwne,
747Take that, and he that doth the Rauens feede,
748Yea prouidently caters for the Sparrow,
749Be comfort to my age: here is the gold,
750All this I giue you, let me be your seruant,
752For in my youth I neuer did apply
753Hot, and rebellious liquors in my bloud,
754Nor did not with vnbashfull forehead woe,
755The meanes of weaknesse and debilitie,
756Therefore my age is as a lustie winter,
757Frostie, but kindely; let me goe with you,
758Ile doe the seruice of a yonger man
760Orl. Oh good old man, how well in thee appeares
764Where none will sweate, but for promotion,
765And hauing that do choake their seruice vp,
766Euen with the hauing, it is not so with thee:
767But poore old man, thou prun'st a rotten tree,
769In lieu of all thy paines and husbandrie,
770But come thy waies, weele goe along together,
771And ere we haue thy youthfull wages spent,
776Here liued I, but now liue here no more
778But at fourescore, it is too late a weeke,
779Yet fortune cannot recompence me better
781Scena Quarta.
782Enter Rosaline for Ganimed, Celia for Aliena, and
783Clowne, alias Touchstone.
788apparell, and to cry like a woman: but I must comfort
790selfe coragious to petty-coate; therefore courage, good
794Clo. For my part, I had rather beare with you, then
796you, for I thinke you haue no money in your purse.
798Clo. I, now am I in Arden, the more foole I, when I
799was at home I was in a better place, but Trauellers must
800be content.
801Enter Corin and Siluius.
803here, a yong man and an old in solemne talke.
808Though in thy youth thou wast as true a louer
809As euer sigh'd vpon a midnight pillow:
810But if thy loue were euer like to mine,
817That euer loue did make thee run into,
818Thou hast not lou'd.
821Thou hast not lou'd.
822Or if thou hast not broke from companie,
823Abruptly as my passion now makes me,
824Thou hast not lou'd.
825O Phebe, Phebe, Phebe. Exit.
827I haue by hard aduenture found mine owne.
828Clo. And I mine: I remember when I was in loue, I
831sing of her batler, and the Cowes dugs that her prettie
832chopt hands had milk'd; and I remember the wooing
834cods, and giuing her them againe, said with weeping
836uers, runne into strange capers; but as all is mortall in
837nature, so is all nature in loue, mortall in folly.
842Is much vpon my fashion.
846If he for gold will giue vs any foode,
847I faint almost to death.
848Clo. Holla; you Clowne.
850Cor. Who cals?
851Clo. Your betters Sir.
854Cor. And to you gentle Sir, and to you all.
855Ros. I prethee Shepheard, if that loue or gold
856Can in this desert place buy entertainment,
858Here's a yong maid with trauaile much oppressed,
859And faints for succour.
860Cor. Faire Sir, I pittie her,
862My fortunes were more able to releeue her:
863But I am shepheard to another man,
864And do not sheere the Fleeces that I graze:
866And little wreakes to finde the way to heauen
867By doing deeds of hospitalitie.
868Besides his Coate, his Flockes, and bounds of feede
871That you will feed on: but what is, come see,
876That little cares for buying any thing.
879And thou shalt haue to pay for it of vs.
880Cel. And we will mend thy wages:
881I like this place, and willingly could
882Waste my time in it.
884Go with me, if you like vpon report,
886I will your very faithfull Feeder be,
888Scena Quinta.
889 Enter, Amyens, Iaques, & others.
891Vnder the greene wood tree,
892 who loues to lye with mee,
893And tnrne his merrie Note,
895Come hither, come hither, come hither:
897But Winter and rough Weather.
898Iaq. More, more, I pre'thee more.
900Iaq. I thanke it: More, I prethee more,
902As a Weazel suckes egges: More, I pre'thee more.
909Iaq. Nay, I care not for their names, they owe mee
910nothing. Wil you sing?
912Iaq. Well then, if euer I thanke any man, Ile thanke
913you: but that they cal complement is like th'encounter
914of two dog-Apes. And when a man thankes me hartily,
915me thinkes I haue giuen him a penie, and he renders me
916the beggerly thankes. Come sing; and you that wil not
917hold your tongues.
919the Duke wil drinke vnder this tree; he hath bin all this
920day to looke you.
921Iaq. And I haue bin all this day to auoid him:
922He is too disputeable for my companie:
923I thinke of as many matters as he, but I giue
924Heauen thankes, and make no boast of them.
925Come, warble, come.
927Who doth ambition shunne,
928 and loues to liue i'th Sunne:
929Seeking the food he eates,
930 and pleas'd with what he gets:
931Come hither, come hither, come hither,
936Amy. Thus it goes.
943Amy. What's that Ducdame?
948His banket is prepar'd. Exeunt
949Scena Sexta.
950Enter Orlando, & Adam.
952O I die for food. Heere lie I downe,
954Orl. Why how now Adam? No greater heart in thee:
955Liue a little, comfort a little, cheere thy selfe a little.
957I wil either be food for it, or bring it for foode to thee:
958Thy conceite is neerer death, then thy powers.
959For my sake be comfortable, hold death a while
960At the armes end: I wil heere be with thee presently,
961And if I bring thee not something to eate,
962I wil giue thee leaue to die: but if thou diest
963Before I come, thou art a mocker of my labor.
965And Ile be with thee quickly: yet thou liest
966In the bleake aire. Come, I wil beare thee
968For lacke of a dinner,
969If there liue any thing in this Desert.
970Cheerely good Adam. Exeunt
971Scena Septima.
972Enter Duke Sen. & Lord, like Out-lawes.
974For I can no where finde him, like a man.
9751.Lord. My Lord, he is but euen now gone hence,
976Heere was he merry, hearing of a Song.
980Enter Iaques.
983That your poore friends must woe your companie,
984What, you looke merrily.
986A motley Foole (a miserable world:)
987As I do liue by foode, I met a foole,
988Who laid him downe, and bask'd him in the Sun,
989And rail'd on Lady Fortune in good termes,
990In good set termes, and yet a motley foole.
991Good morrow foole (quoth I:) no Sir, quoth he,
992Call me not foole, till heauen hath sent me fortune,
993And then he drew a diall from his poake,
994And looking on it, with lacke-lustre eye,
995Sayes, very wisely, it is ten a clocke:
996Thus we may see (quoth he) how the world wagges:
997'Tis but an houre agoe, since it was nine,
998And after one houre more, 'twill be eleuen,
999And so from houre to houre, we ripe, and ripe,
1000And then from houre to houre, we rot, and rot,
1001And thereby hangs a tale. When I did heare
1002The motley Foole, thus morall on the time,
1003My Lungs began to crow like Chanticleere,
1006An houre by his diall. Oh noble foole,
1007A worthy foole: Motley's the onely weare.
1008Du.Sen. What foole is this?
1009Iaq. O worthie Foole: One that hath bin a Courtier
1010And sayes, if Ladies be but yong, and faire,
1011They haue the gift to know it: and in his braiue,
1012Which is as drie as the remainder bisket
1013After a voyage: He hath strange places cram'd
1014With obseruation, the which he vents
1015In mangled formes. O that I were a foole,
1016I am ambitious for a motley coat.
1019Prouided that you weed your better iudgements
1020Of all opinion that growes ranke in them,
1022Wiithall, as large a Charter as the winde,
1024And they that are most gauled with my folly,
1026The why is plaine, as way to Parish Church:
1027Hee, that a Foole doth very wisely hit,
1030The Wise-mans folly is anathomiz'd
1031Euen by the squandring glances of the foole.
1032Inuest me in my motley: Giue me leaue
1033To speake my minde, and I will through and through
1035If they will patiently receiue my medicine.
1037Iaq. What, for a Counter, would I do, but good?
1044Iaq. Why who cries out on pride,
1045That can therein taxe any priuate party:
1046Doth it not flow as hugely as the Sea,
1047Till that the wearie verie meanes do ebbe.
1048What woman in the Citie do I name,
1049When that I say the City woman beares
1051Who can come in, and say that I meane her,
1055Thinking that I meane him, but therein suites
1056His folly to the mettle of my speech,
1057There then, how then, what then, let me see wherein
1058My tongue hath wrong'd him: if it do him right,
1059Then he hath wrong'd himselfe: if he be free,
1061Vnclaim'd of any. man But who come here?
1062Enter Orlando.
1063Orl. Forbeare, and eate no more.
1064Iaq. Why I haue eate none yet.
1072Of smooth ciuility: yet am I in-land bred,
1074He dies that touches any of this fruite,
1077I must dye.
1078Du.Sen. What would you haue?
1080Moue vs to gentlenesse.
1082Du.Sen. Sit downe and feed, & welcom to our table
1084I thought that all things had bin sauage heere,
1085And therefore put I on the countenance
1086Of sterne command'ment. But what ere you are
1088Vnder the shade of melancholly boughes,
1090If euer you haue look'd on better dayes:
1091If euer beene where bels haue knoll'd to Church:
1093If euer from your eye-lids wip'd a teare,
1094And know what 'tis to pittie, and be pittied:
1096In the which hope, I blush, and hide my Sword.
1098And haue with holy bell bin knowld to Church,
1100Of drops, that sacred pity hath engendred:
1102And take vpon command, what helpe we haue
1103That to your wanting may be ministred.
1104Orl. Then but forbeare your food a little while:
1105Whiles (like a Doe) I go to finde my Fawne,
1106And giue it food. There is an old poore man,
1107Who after me, hath many a weary steppe
1109Opprest with two weake euils, age, and hunger,
1110I will not touch a bit.
1112And we will nothing waste till you returne.
1115This wide and vniuersall Theater
1116Presents more wofull Pageants then the Sceane
1117Wherein we play in.
1119And all the men and women, meerely Players;
1120They haue their Exits and their Entrances,
1121And one man in his time playes many parts,
1123Mewling, and puking in the Nurses armes:
1124Then, the whining Schoole-boy with his Satchell
1126Vnwillingly to schoole. And then the Louer,
1127Sighing like Furnace, with a wofull ballad
1129Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the Pard,
1130Ielous in honor, sodaine, and quicke in quarrell,
1131Seeking the bubble Reputation
1132Euen in the Canons mouth: And then, the Iustice
1133In faire round belly, with good Capon lin'd,
1134With eyes seuere, and beard of formall cut,
1137Into the leane and slipper'd Pantaloone,
1141Turning againe toward childish trebble pipes,
1146Enter Orlando with Adam.
1148then, and let him feede.
1150Ad. So had you neede,
1152Du.Sen. Welcome, fall too: I wil not trouble you,
1153As yet to question you about your fortunes:
1156 Blow, blow, thou winter winde,
1157Thou art not so vnkinde, as mans ingratitude
1159 although thy breath be rude.
1160Heigh ho, sing heigh ho, vnto the greene holly,
1162 The heigh ho, the holly,
1167 as freind remembred not.
1170As you haue whisper'd faithfully you were,
1172Most truly limn'd, and liuing in your face,
1173Be truly welcome hither: I am the Duke
1174That lou'd your Father, the residue of your fortune,
1175Go to my Caue, and tell mee. Good old man,
1176Thou art right welcome, as thy masters is:
1177Support him by the arme: giue me your hand,
1179Actus Tertius. Scena Prima,
1180Enter Duke, Lords, & Oliuer.
1182But were I not the better part made mercie,
1184Of my reuenge, thou present: but looke to it,
1185Finde out thy brother wheresoere he is,
1186Seeke him with Candle: bring him dead, or liuing
1187Within this tweluemonth, or turne thou no more
1188To seeke a liuing in our Territorie.
1189Thy Lands and all things that thou dost call thine,
1191Till thou canst quit thee by thy brothers mouth,
1192Of what we thinke against thee.
1194I neuer lou'd my brother in my life.
1197Make an extent vpon his house and Lands:
1198Do this expediently, and turne him going. Exeunt
1199Scena Secunda.
1200Enter Orlando.
1202And thou thrice crowned Queene of night suruey
1207That euerie eye, which in this Forrest lookes,
1209Run, run Orlando, carue on euery Tree,
1211Enter Corin & Clowne.
1219life (looke you) it fits my humor well: but as there is no
1224meanes, and content, is without three good frends. That
1225the propertie of raine is to wet, and fire to burne: That
1227the night, is lacke of the Sunne: That hee that hath lear-
1228ned no wit by Nature, nor Art, may complaine of good
1229breeding, or comes of a very dull kindred.
1231Was't euer in Court, Shepheard?
1232Cor. No truly.
1233Clo. Then thou art damn'd.
1234Cor. Nay, I hope.
1236all on one side.
1238Clo. Why, if thou neuer was't at Court, thou neuer
1244ners at the Court, are as ridiculous in the Countrey, as
1245the behauiour of the Countrie is most mockeable at the
1246Court. You told me, you salute not at the Court, but
1248if Courtiers were shepheards.
1251Fels you know are greasie.
1261Courtiers hands are perfum'd with Ciuet.
1264and perpend: Ciuet is of a baser birth then Tarre, the
1269man: God make incision in thee, thou art raw.
1270Cor. Sir, I am a true Labourer, I earne that I eate: get
1271that I weare; owe no man hate, enuie no mans happi-
1272nesse: glad of other mens good content with my harme:
1274my Lambes sucke.
1276Ewes and the Rammes together, and to offer to get your
1277liuing, by the copulation of Cattle, to be bawd to a Bel-
1278weather, and to betray a shee-Lambe of a tweluemonth
1279to a crooked-pated olde Cuckoldly Ramme, out of all
1284ses Brother.
1285Enter Rosalind.
1296Butter-womens ranke to Market.
1297Ros. Out Foole.
1299If a Hart doe lacke a Hinde,
1301If the Cat will after kinde,
1303Wintred garments must be linde,
1313Ros. Peace you dull foole, I found them on a tree.
1314Clo. Truely the tree yeelds bad fruite.
1317try: for you'l be rotten ere you bee halfe ripe, and that's
1318the right vertue of the Medler.
1320Forrest iudge.
1321Enter Celia with a writing.
1324 for it is vnpeopled? Noe:
1325Tonges Ile hang on euerie tree,
1327Some, how briefe the Life of man
1328 runs his erring pilgrimage,
1331Some of violated vowes,
1333But vpon the fairest bowes,
1335Will I Rosalinda write,
1336 teaching all that reade, to know
1339Therefore heauen Nature charg'd,
1341With all Graces wide enlarg'd,
1343Helens cheeke, but not his heart,
1345Attalanta's better part,
1347Thus Rosalinde of manie parts,
1349Of manie faces, eyes, and hearts,
1354Loue haue you wearied your parishioners withall, and
1355neuer cri'de, haue patience good people.
1357tle: go with him sirrah.
1359treit, though not with bagge and baggage, yet with
1363of them had in them more feete then the Verses would
1366Ros. I, but the feet were lame, and could not beare
1368ly in the verse.
1372before you came: for looke heere what I found on a
1374that I was an Irish Rat, which I can hardly remember.
1375Cel. Tro you, who hath done this?
1376Ros. Is it a man?
1377Cel. And a chaine that you once wore about his neck:
1378change you colour?
1379Ros. I pre'thee who?
1380Cel. O Lord, Lord, it is a hard matter for friends to
1381meete; but Mountaines may bee remoou'd with Earth-
1382quakes, and so encounter.
1383Ros. Nay, but who is it?
1385Ros. Nay, I pre'thee
now, with most petitionary ve-
1386hemence, tell me who it is.
1388wonderfull, and yet againe wonderful, and after that out
1389of all hooping.
1393of discouerie. I pre'thee tell me, who is it quickely, and
1395might'st powre this conceal'd man out of thy mouth, as
1396Wine comes out of a narrow-mouth'd bottle: either too
1397much at once, or none at all. I pre'thee take the Corke
1398out of thy mouth, that I may drinke thy tydings.
1399Cel. So you may put a man in your belly.
1400Ros. Is he of Gods making? What manner of man?
1401Is his head worth a hat? Or his chin worth a beard?
1402Cel. Nay, he hath but a little beard.
1404thankful: let me stay the growth of his beard, if thou
1405delay me not the knowledge of his chin.
1407heeles, and your heart, both in an instant.
1409brow, and true maid.
1410Cel. I'faith (Coz) tis he.
1411Ros. Orlando?
1412Cel. Orlando.
1415he? How look'd he? Wherein went he? What makes hee
1416heere? Did he aske for me? Where remaines he ? How
1420'tis a Word too great for any mouth of this Ages size, to
1422in a Catechisme.
1424in mans apparrell? Looks he as freshly, as he did the day
1425he Wrastled?
1429vnder a tree like a drop'd Acorne.
1431forth fruite.
1432Cel. Giue me audience, good Madam.
1433Ros. Proceed.
1437becomes the ground.
1438Cel. Cry holla, to the tongue, I prethee: it curuettes
1440Ros. O ominous, he comes to kill my Hart.
1442bring'st me out of tune.
1443Ros. Do you not know I am a woman, when I thinke,
1445Enter Orlando & Iaques.
1446Cel. You bring me out. Soft, comes he not heere?
1448Iaq I thanke you for your company, but good faith
1449I had as liefe haue beene my selfe alone.
1451I thanke you too, for your societie.
1452Iaq. God buy you, let's meet as little as we can.
1455Loue-songs in their barkes.
1457ding them ill-fauouredly.
1459Iaq. I do not like her name.
1461was christen'd.
1465quainted with goldsmiths wiues, & cond thē out of rings
1468Iaq. You haue a nimble wit; I thinke 'twas made of
1469Attalanta's heeles. Will you sitte downe with me, and
1471our miserie.
1476tue: I am wearie of you.
1478found you.
1479Orl. He is drown'd in the brooke, looke but in, and
1482Orl. Which I take to be either a foole, or a Cipher.
1484nior Loue.
1486sieur Melancholly.
1489Orl. Verie wel, what would you?
1492clocke in the Forrest.
1494sighing euerie minute, and groaning euerie houre wold
1495detect the lazie foot of time, as wel as a clocke.
1497that bin as proper?
1500all, who Time trots withal, who Time gallops withal,
1502Orl. I prethee, who doth he trot withal?
1503Ros. Marry he trots hard with a yong maid, between
1507Orl. Who ambles Time withal?
1511cause he feeles no paine: the one lacking the burthen of
1513then of heauie tedious penurie. These Time ambles
1515Orl. Who doth he gallop withal?
1516Ros. With a theefe to the gallowes : for though hee
1521betweene Terme and Terme, and then they perceiue not
1522how time moues.
1523Orl. Where dwel you prettie youth?
1526Orl. Are you natiue of this place?
1532religious Vnckle of mine taught me to speake, who was
1533in his youth an inland man, one that knew Courtship too
1534well: for there he fel in loue. I haue heard him read ma-
1537hath generally tax'd their whole sex withal.
1538Orl. Can you remember any of the principall euils,
1539that he laid to the charge of women?
1540Ros. There were none principal, they were all like
1541one another, as halfe pence are, euerie one fault seeming
1542monstrous, til his fellow-fault came to match it.
1547barkes; hangs Oades vpon Hauthornes, and Elegies on
1549If I could meet that Fancie-monger, I would giue him
1551of Loue vpon him.
1553me your remedie.
1554Ros. There is none of my Vnckles markes vpon you:
1555he taught me how to know a man in loue: in which cage
1557Orl. What were his markes?
1558Ros. A leane cheeke, which you haue not: a blew eie
1560rit, which you haue not: a beard neglected, which you
1562uing in beard, is a yonger brothers reuennew) then your
1568uer of any other.
1569Orl. Faire youth, I would I could make thee beleeue (I Loue.
1571you Loue beleeue it, which I warrant she is apter to do,
1577Rosalind, I am that he, that vnfortunate he.
1583that the Lunacie is so ordinarie, that the whippers are in
1588to woe me. At which time would I, being but a moonish
1589youth, greeue, be effeminate, changeable, longing, and
1592for no passion truly any thing, as boyes and women are
1593for the most part, cattle of this colour: would now like
1594him, now loath him: then entertaine him, then forswear
1595him: now weepe for him, then spit at him; that I draue
1596my Sutor from his mad humor of loue, to a liuing humor
1598and to liue in a nooke meerly Monastick: and thus I cur'd
1601be one spot of Loue in't.
1602Orl. I would not be cured, youth.
1604lind, and come euerie day to my Coat, and woe me.
1605Orlan. Now by the faith of my loue, I will ; Tel me
1606where it is.
1609Wil you go?
1610Orl. With all my heart, good youth.
1612will you go? Exeunt.
1613Scœna Tertia.
1614Enter Clowne, Audrey, & Iaques.
1615Clo. Come apace good Audrey, I wil fetch vp your
1616Goates, Audrey : and how Audrey am I the man yet?
1617Doth my simple feature content you?
1618Aud. Your features, Lord warrant vs: what features?
1620capricious Poet honest Ouid was among the Gothes.
1622a thatch'd house.
1626koning in a little roome: truly, I would the Gods hadde
1627made thee poeticall.
1629deed and word: is it a true thing?
1631ning, and Louers are giuen to Poetrie: and what they
1637thou didst feigne.
1642Iaq. A materiall foole.
1643Aud. Well, I am not faire, and therefore I pray the
1644Gods make me honest.
1648am foule.
1651I wil marrie thee: and to that end, I haue bin with Sir
1652Oliuer Mar-text, the Vicar of the next village, who hath
1653promis'd to meete me in this place of the Forrest, and to
1654couple vs.
1656Aud. Wel, the Gods giue vs ioy.
1657Clo. Amen. A man may if he were of a fearful heart,
1658stagger in this attempt: for heere wee haue no Temple
1662right: Many a man has good Hornes, and knows no end
1663of them. Well, that is the dowrie of his wife, 'tis none
1664of his owne getting; hornes, euen so poore men alone:
1668head of a married man, more honourable then the bare
1669brow of a Batcheller: and by how much defence is bet-
1671then to want.
1672Enter Sir Oliuer Mar-text.
1673Heere comes Sir Oliuer: Sir Oliuer Mar-text you are
1674wel met. Will you dispatch vs heere vnder this tree, or
1675shal we go with you to your Chappell?
1676Ol. Is there none heere to giue the woman?
1677Clo. I wil not take her on guift of any man.
1680Iaq. Proceed, proceede: Ile giue her.
1681Clo. Good euen good Mr what ye cal't: how do you
1682Sir, you are verie well met: goddild you for your last
1683companie, I am verie glad to see you, euen a toy in hand
1684heere Sir: Nay, pray be couer'd.
1685Iaq. Wil you be married, Motley?
1688Pigeons bill, so wedlocke would be nibling.
1689Iaq. And wil you (being a man of your breeding) be
1690married vnder a bush like a begger? Get you to church,
1691and haue a good Priest that can tel you what marriage is,
1692this fellow wil but ioyne you together, as they ioyne
1694and like greene timber, warpe, warpe.
1695Clo. I am not in the minde, but I were better to bee
1696married of him then of another, for he is not like to mar-
1697rie me wel: and not being wel married, it wil be a good
1698excuse for me heereafter, to leaue my wife.
1699Iaq. Goe thou with mee,
1700And let me counsel thee.
1703Farewel good MrOliuer: Not O sweet Oliuer, O braue
1704Oliuer leaue me not behind thee: But winde away, bee
1705gone I say, I wil not to wedding with thee.
1708Scœna Quarta.
1709Enter Rosalind & Celia.
1710Ros. Neuer talke to me, I wil weepe.
1712that teares do not become a man.
1715Therefore weepe.
1716Ros. His very haire
1717Is of the dissembling colour.
1720Ros. I'faith his haire is of a good colour.
1721Cel. An excellent colour:
1722Your Chessenut was euer the onely colour:
1724As the touch of holy bread.
1727the very yce of chastity is in them.
1729morning, and comes not?
1730Cel. Nay certainly there is no truth in him.
1733stealer, but for his verity in loue, I doe thinke him as
1734concaue as a couered goblet, or a Worme-eaten nut.
1735Ros. Not true in loue?
1736Cel. Yes, when he is in, but I thinke he is not in.
1741rest on the Duke your father.
1743stion with him: he askt me of what parentage I was; I
1744told him of as good as he, so he laugh'd and let mee goe.
1745But what talke wee of Fathers, when there is such a man
1746as Orlando?
1749them brauely, quite trauers athwart the heart of his lo-
1752youth mounts, and folly guides: who comes heere?
1753Enter Corin.
1755After the Shepheard that complain'd of loue,
1759Cel. Well: and what of him?
1761Betweene the pale complexion of true Loue,
1764If you will marke it.
1765Ros. O come, let vs remoue,
1769Scena Quinta.
1770Enter Siluius and Phebe.
1773In bitternesse; the common executioner
1775Falls not the axe vpon the humbled neck,
1777Then he that dies and liues by bloody drops?
1778Enter Rosalind, Celia, and Corin.
1779Phe. I would not be thy executioner,
1780I flye thee, for I would not iniure thee:
1781Thou tellst me there is murder in mine eye,
1782'Tis pretty sure, and very probable,
1784Who shut their coward gates on atomyes,
1785Should be called tyrants, butchers, murtherers.
1786Now I doe frowne on thee with all my heart,
1787And if mine eyes can wound, now let them kill thee:
1788Now counterfeit to swound, why now fall downe,
1790Lye not, to say mine eyes are murtherers:
1791Now shew the wound mine eye hath made in thee,
1792Scratch thee but with a pin, and there remaines
1794The Cicatrice and capable impressure
1795Thy palme some moment keepes: but now mine eyes
1796Which I haue darted at thee, hurt thee not,
1797Nor I am sure there is no force in eyes
1798That can doe hurt.
1799Sil. O deere Phebe,
1800If euer (as that euer may be neere)
1803That Loues keene arrows make.
1804Phe. But till that time
1805Come not thou neere me: and when that time comes,
1807As till that time I shall not pitty thee.
1808Ros. And why I pray you? who might be your mother
1809That you insult, exult, and all at once
1810Ouer the wretched? what though you hau no beauty
1811As by my faith, I see no more in you
1812Then without Candle may goe darke to bed:
1814Why what meanes this? why do you looke on me?
1815I see no more in you then in the ordinary
1816Of Natures sale-worke? 'ods my little life,
1817I thinke she meanes to tangle my eies too:
1819'Tis not your inkie browes, your blacke silke haire,
1820Your bugle eye-balls, nor your cheeke of creame
1822You foolish Shepheard, wherefore do you follow her
1823Like foggy South, puffing with winde and raine,
1824You are a thousand times a properer man
1826That makes the world full of ill-fauourd children:
1829Then any of her lineaments can show her:
1831And thanke heauen, fasting, for a good mans loue;
1832For I must tell you friendly in your eare,
1833Sell when you can, you are not for all markets:
1834Cry the man mercy, loue him, take his offer,
1837Phe. Sweet youth, I pray you chide a yere together,
1838I had rather here you chide, then this man wooe.
1842Her with bitter words: why looke you so vpon me?
1843Phe. For no ill will I beare you.
1844Ros. I pray you do not fall in loue with mee,
1845For I am falser then vowes made in wine:
1847'Tis at the tufft of Oliues, here hard by:
1850And be not proud, though all the world could see,
1855Sil. Sweet Phebe.
1857Sil. Sweet Phebe pitty me.
1860If you doe sorrow at my griefe in loue,
1861By giuing loue your sorrow, and my griefe
1862Were both extermin'd.
1864Sil. I would haue you.
1866Siluius; the time was, that I hated thee;
1867And yet it is not, that I beare thee loue,
1870I will endure; and Ile employ thee too:
1871But doe not looke for further recompence
1872Then thine owne gladnesse, that thou art employd.
1874And I in such a pouerty of grace,
1876To gleane the broken eares after the man
1880Sil. Not very well, but I haue met him oft,
1881And he hath bought the Cottage and the bounds
1882That the old Carlot once was Master of.
1883Phe. Thinke not I loue him, though I ask for him,
1884'Tis but a peeuish boy, yet he talkes well,
1885But what care I for words? yet words do well
1887It is a pretty youth, not very prettie,
1888But sure hee's proud, and yet his pride becomes him;
1889Hee'll make a proper man: the best thing in him
1890Is his complexion: and faster then his tongue
1891Did make offence, his eye did heale it vp:
1892He is not very tall, yet for his yeeres hee's tall:
1894There was a pretty rednesse in his lip,
1895A little riper, and more lustie red
1897Betwixt the constant red, and mingled Damaske.
1899In parcells as I did, would haue gone neere
1900To fall in loue with him: but for my part
1901I loue him not, nor hate him not: and yet
1902Haue more cause to hate him then to loue him,
1903For what had he to doe to chide at me?
1904He said mine eyes were black, and my haire blacke,
1905And now I am remembred, scorn'd at me:
1906I maruell why I answer'd not againe,
1907But that's all one: omittance is no quittance:
1908Ile write to him a very tanting Letter,
1910Sil. Phebe, with all my heart.
1912The matter's in my head, and in my heart,
1915Actus Quartus. Scena Prima.
1916Enter Rosalind, and Celia, and Iaques.
1917Iaq. I prethee, pretty youth, let me better acquainted
1918with thee.
1919Ros They say you are a melancholly fellow.
1926Iaq. I haue neither the Schollers melancholy, which
1928nor the Courtiers, which is proud: nor the Souldiers,
1929which is ambitious: nor the Lawiers, which is politick:
1930nor the Ladies, which is nice: nor the Louers, which
1933and indeed the sundrie contemplation of my trauells, in
1939nothing, is to haue rich eyes and poore hands.
1940Iaq. Yes, I haue gain'd my experience.
1941Enter Orlando.
1943ther haue a foole to make me merrie, then experience to
1944make me sad, and to trauaile for it too.
1946Iaq. Nay then God buy you, and you talke in blanke
1950of your owne Countrie: be out of loue with your
1951natiuitie, and almost chide God for making you that
1952countenance you are; or I will scarce thinke you haue
1953swam in a Gundello. Why how now Orlando, where
1954haue you bin all this while? you a louer? and you
1960will diuide a minute into a thousand parts, and breake
1962of loue, it may be said of him that Cupid hath clapt
1963him oth' shoulder, but Ile warrant him heart hole.
1966sight, I had as liefe be woo'd of a Snaile.
1967Orl. Of a Snaile?
1971with him.
1972Orl. What's that?
1974holding to your wiues for: but he comes armed in his
1975fortune, and preuents the slander of his wife.
1980lind of a better leere then you.
1981Ros. Come, wooe me, wooe mee: for now I am in a
1982holy-day humor, and like enough to consent: What
1983would you say to me now, and I were your verie, verie
1987were grauel'd, for lacke of matter, you might take oc-
1989they will spit, and for louers, lacking (God warne vs)
1993new matter.
1994Orl. Who could be out, being before his beloued
1999Ros. Not out of your apparrell, and yet out of your
2001Am not I your Rosalind?
2003be talking of her.
2006Ros. No faith, die by Attorney: the poore world is
2008was not anie man died in his owne person (videlicet) in
2010Grecian club, yet he did what hee could to die before,
2011and he is one of the patternes of loue. Leander, he would
2012haue liu'd manie a faire yeere though Hero had turn'd
2013Nun; if it had not bin for a hot Midsomer-night, for
2015lespont, and being taken with the crampe, was droun'd,
2016and the foolish Chronoclers of that age, found it was
2018from time to time, and wormes haue eaten them, but not
2019for loue.
2021for I protest her frowne might kill me.
2024position: and aske me what you will, I will grant it.
2027Orl. And wilt thou haue me?
2030Ros. Are you not good?
2034marrie vs: giue me your hand Orlando: What doe you
2036Orl. Pray thee marrie vs.
2041Orl. I will.
2042Ros. I, but when?
2048But I doe take thee Orlando for my husband : there's a
2049girle goes before the Priest, and certainely a Womans
2050thought runs before her actions.
2051Orl. So do all thoughts, they are wing'd.
2054Orl. For euer, and a day.
2055Ros. Say a day, without the euer: no, no Orlando, men
2056are Aprill when they woe, December when they wed:
2057Maides are May when they are maides, but the sky chan-
2058ges when they are wiues: I will bee more iealous of
2059thee, then a Barbary cocke-pidgeon ouer his hen, more
2062key: I will weepe for nothing, like Diana in the Foun-
2063taine, & I wil do that when you are dispos'd to be merry:
2064I will laugh like a Hyen, and that when thou art inclin'd
2065to sleepe.
2073smoake out at the chimney.
2075say, wit whether wil't?
2076Ros. Nay, you might keepe that checke for it, till you
2077met your wiues wit going to your neighbours bed.
2081her without her tongue: ô that woman that cannot
2085Ros. Alas, deere loue, I cannot lacke thee two houres.
2087I will be with thee againe.
2088Ros. I, goe your waies, goe your waies: I knew what
2089you would proue, my friends told mee as much, and I
2092clocke is your howre.
2095mend mee, and by all pretty oathes that are not dange-
2096rous, if you breake one iot of your promise, or come one
2097minute behinde your houre, I will thinke you the most
2109your head, and shew the world what the bird hath done
2110to her owne neast.
2111Ros. O coz, coz, coz: my pretty little coz, that thou
2112didst know how many fathome deepe I am in loue: but
2114bottome, like the Bay of Portugall.
2118begot of thought, conceiu'd of spleene, and borne of
2120ones eyes, because his owne are out, let him bee iudge,
2121how deepe I am in loue: ile tell thee Aliena, I cannot be
2123sigh till he come.
2125Scena Secunda.
2126Enter Iaques and Lords, Forresters.
2127Iaq. Which is he that killed the Deare?
2128Lord. Sir, it was I.
2130Conquerour, and it would doe well to set the Deares
2131horns vpon his head, for a branch of victory; haue you
2133Lord. Yes Sir.
2135make noyse enough.
2136Musicke, Song.
2137What shall he haue that kild the Deare?
2138His Leather skin, and hornes to weare:
2140Take thou no scorne to weare the horne,
2142Thy fathers father wore it,
2143And thy father bore it,
2144The horne, the horne, the lusty horne,
2146Scœna Tertia.
2147Enter Rosalind and Celia.
2149And heere much Orlando.
2150Cel. I warrant you, with pure loue, & troubled brain,
2151Enter Siluius.
2152He hath t'ane his bow and arrowes, and is gone forth
2153To sleepe: looke who comes heere.
2154Sil. My errand is to you, faire youth,
2155My gentle Phebe, did bid me giue you this:
2156I know not the contents, but as I guesse
2159It beares an angry tenure; pardon me,
2162And play the swaggerer, beare this, beare all:
2163Shee saies I am not faire, that I lacke manners,
2164She calls me proud, and that she could not loue me
2165Were man as rare as Phenix: 'od's my will,
2166Her loue is not the Hare that I doe hunt,
2168This is a Letter of your owne deuice.
2170Phebe did write it.
2171Ros. Come, come, you are a foole,
2172And turn'd into the extremity of loue.
2174A freestone coloured hand: I verily did thinke
2175That her old gloues were on, but twas her hands:
2176She has a huswiues hand, but that's no matter:
2178This is a mans inuention, and his hand.
2179Sil. Sure it is hers.
2183Could not drop forth such giant rude inuention,
2185Then in their countenance: vvill you heare the letter?
2187Yet heard too much of Phebes crueltie.
2191Can a vvoman raile thus?
2192Sil. Call you this railing?
2195Did you euer heare such railing?
2198Meaning me a beast.
2199If the scorne of your bright eine
2203Whiles you chid me, I did loue,
2204How then might your praiers moue?
2205He that brings this loue to thee,
2206Little knowes this Loue in me:
2207And by him seale vp thy minde,
2208Whether that thy youth and kinde
2209Will the faithfull offer take
2210Of me, and all that I can make,
2211Or else by him my loue denie,
2212And then Ile studie how to die.
2213Sil. Call you this chiding?
2214Cel. Alas poore Shepheard.
2218dur'd. Well, goe your way to her; (for I see Loue hath
2220loue me, I charge her to loue thee: if she will not, I will
2221neuer haue her, vnlesse thou intreat for her: if you bee a
2222true louer hence, and not a word; for here comes more
2223company. Exit. Sil.
2224Enter Oliuer.
2225Oliu. Good morrow, faire ones: pray you, (if you know)
2227A sheep-coat, fenc'd about with Oliue-trees.
2229The ranke of Oziers, by the murmuring streame
2230Left on your right hand, brings you to the place:
2232There's none within.
2235Such garments, and such yeeres: the boy is faire,
2238And browner then her brother: are not you
2239The owner of the house I did enquire for?
2241Oli. Orlando doth commend him to you both,
2242And to that youth hee calls his Rosalind,
2243He sends this bloudy napkin; are you he?
2246What man I am, and how, and why, and where
2247This handkercher was stain'd.
2248Cel. I pray you tell it.
2250He left a promise to returne againe
2251Within an houre, and pacing through the Forrest,
2252Chewing the food of sweet and bitter fancie,
2256And high top, bald with drie antiquitie:
2257A wretched ragged man, ore-growne with haire
2258Lay sleeping on his back; about his necke
2260Who with her head, nimble in threats approach'd
2261The opening of his mouth: but sodainly
2262Seeing Orlando, it vnlink'd it selfe,
2263And with indented glides, did slip away
2265A Lyonnesse, with vdders all drawne drie,
2266Lay cowching head on ground, with catlike watch
2269To prey on nothing, that doth seeme as dead:
2270This seene, Orlando did approach the man,
2271And found it was his brother, his elder brother.
2273And he did render him the most vnnaturall
2274That liu'd amongst men.
2276For well I know he was vnnaturall.
2277Ros. But to Orlando: did he leaue him there
2280But kindnesse, nobler euer then reuenge,
2282Made him giue battell to the Lyonnesse:
2283Who quickly fell before him, in which hurtling
2285Cel. Are you his brother?
2291Ros. But for the bloody napkin?
2292Oli. By and by:
2294Teares our recountments had most kindely bath'd,
2295As how I came into that Desert place.
2296I briefe, he led me to the gentle Duke,
2297Who gaue me fresh aray, and entertainment,
2298Committing me vnto my brothers loue,
2299Who led me instantly vnto his Caue,
2302Which all this while had bled; and now he fainted,
2303And cride in fainting vpon Rosalinde.
2304Briefe, I recouer'd him, bound vp his wound,
2308His broken promise, and to giue this napkin
2309Died in this bloud, vnto the Shepheard youth,
2314Oli. Looke, he recouers.
2315Ros. I would I were at home.
2316Cel. Wee'll lead you thither:
2317I pray you will you take him by the arme.
2318Oli. Be of good cheere youth: you a man?
2319You lacke a mans heart.
2322ted, I pray you tell your brother how well I counterfei-
2323ted: heigh-ho.
2328Oli. Well then, take a good heart, and counterfeit to
2329be a man.
2331man by right.
2332Cel. Come, you looke paler and paler: pray you draw
2333homewards: good sir, goe with vs.
2337mend my counterfeiting to him: will you goe?
2338 Exeunt.
2339Actus Quintus. Scena Prima.
2340Enter Clowne and Awdrie.
2342tle Awdrie.
2344olde gentlemans saying.
2346Mar-text. But Awdrie, there is a youth heere in the
2347Forrest layes claime to you.
2349in the world: here comes the man you meane.
2350Enter William.
2352my troth, we that haue good wits, haue much to answer
2354Will. Good eu'n Audrey.
2355Aud. God ye good eu'n William.
2356Will. And good eu'n to you Sir.
2357Clo. Good eu'n gentle friend. Couer thy head, couer
2358thy head: Nay prethee bee eouer'd. How olde are you
2360Will. Fiue and twentie Sir.
2361Clo. A ripe age: Is thy name William?
2366Art rich?
2370Art thou wise?
2375pher, when he had a desire to eate a Grape, would open
2376his lips when he put it into his mouth, meaning there-
2377by, that Grapes were made to eate, and lippes to open.
2378You do loue this maid?
2380Clo. Giue me your hand: Art thou Learned?
2382Clo. Then learne this of me, To haue, is to haue. For
2383it is a figure in Rhetoricke, that drink being powr'd out
2386now you are not ipse, for I am he.
2389you Clowne, abandon: which is in the vulgar, leaue the
2391male: which in the common, is woman: which toge-
2392ther, is, abandon the society of this Female, or Clowne
2395to death, thy libertie into bondage: I will deale in poy-
2397with thee in faction, I will ore-run thee with police: I
2399ble and depart.
2400Aud. Do good William.
2402Enter Corin.
2404way, away.
2405Clo. Trip Audry, trip Audry, I attend,
2406I attend. Exeunt
2407Scœna Secunda.
2408Enter Orlando & Oliuer.
2412will you perseuer to enioy her?
2417both, that we may enioy each other: it shall be to your
2418good: for my fathers house, and all the reuennew, that
2419was old Sir Rowlands will I estate vpon you, and heere
2420liue and die a Shepherd.
2421Enter Rosalind.
2423Let your Wedding be to morrow: thither will I
2424Inuite the Duke, and all's contented followers:
2425Go you, and prepare Aliena; for looke you,
2426Heere comes my Rosalinde.
2430thee weare thy heart in a scarfe.
2431Orl. It is my arme.
2432Ros. I thought thy heart had beene wounded with
2433the clawes of a Lion.
2434Orl. Wounded it is, but with the eyes of a Lady.
2435Ros. Did your brother tell you how I counterfeyted
2437Orl. I, and greater wonders then that.
2438Ros. O, I know where you are: nay, tis true: there
2442ner met, but they look'd: no sooner look'd, but they
2446degrees, haue they made a paire of staires to marriage,
2448nent before marriage; they are in the verie wrath of
2449loue, and they will together. Clubbes cannot part
2452bid the Duke to the Nuptiall. But O, how bitter a thing
2453it is, to looke into happines through another mans eies:
2456ther happie, in hauing what he wishes for.
2458for Rosalind?
2459Orl. I can liue no longer by thinking.
2462pose) that I know you are a Gentleman of good conceit:
2467good, and not to grace me. Beleeue then, if you please,
2470his Art, and yet not damnable. If you do loue Rosalinde
2474impossible to me, if it appeare not inconuenient to you,
2476and without any danger.
2478Ros. By my life I do, which I tender deerly, though
2480ray, bid your friends: for if you will be married to mor-
2482Enter Siluius & Phebe.
2483Looke, here comes a Louer of mine, and a louer of hers.
2485To shew the letter that I writ to you.
2488you are there followed by a faithful shepheard,
2489Looke vpon him, loue him: he worships you.
2492And so am I for Phebe.
2493Phe. And I for Ganimed.
2495Ros. And I for no woman.
2497And so am I for Phebe.
2498Phe. And I for Ganimed.
2500Ros. And I for no woman.
2503All adoration, dutie, and obseruance,
2504All humblenesse, all patience, and impatience,
2505All puritie, all triall, all obseruance:
2506And so am I for Phebe.
2514to loue you.
2515Orl. To her, that is not heere, nor doth not heare.
2516Ros. Pray you no more of this, 'tis like the howling
2518if I can : I would loue you if I could : To morrow meet
2519me altogether : I wil marrie you, if euer I marrie Wo-
2522row. I wil content you, if what pleases you contents
2523you, and you shal be married to morrow : As you loue
2524Rosalind meet, as you loue Phebe meet, and as I loue no
2527Sil. Ile not faile, if I liue.
2528Phe. Nor I.
2530Scœna Tertia.
2531Enter Clowne and Audrey.
2532Clo. To morrow is the ioyfull day Audrey, to morow
2533will we be married.
2536Heere come two of the banish'd Dukes Pages.
2537Enter two Pages.
25411. Pa. Shal we clap into't roundly, without hauking,
2543prologues to a bad voice.
25442. Pa. I faith, y'faith, and both in a tune like two
2548 With a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonino,
2549That o're the greene corne feild did passe,
2551When Birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding.
2552Sweet Louers loue the spring,
2554With a hey, & a ho, and a hey nonino,
2555For loue is crowned with the prime.
2558With a hey, and a ho, & a hey nonino:
2559These prettie Country folks would lie.
2562With a hey and a ho, & a hey nonino:
2563How that a life was but a Flower,
2566great matter in the dittie, yet y^e note was very vntunable
2568our time.
2571voices. Come Audrie. Exeunt.
2572Scena Quarta.
2573Enter Duke Senior, Amyens, Iaques, Orlan-
2574do, Oliuer, Celia.
2576Can do all this that he hath promised?
2578As those that feare they hope, and know they feare.
2579Enter Rosalinde, Siluius, & Phebe.
2582You wil bestow her on Orlando heere?
2583Du.Se. That would I, had I kingdoms to giue with hir.
2585Orl. That would I, were I of all kingdomes King.
2590Phe. So is the bargaine.
2592Sil. Though to haue her and death, were both one
2594Ros. I haue promis'd to make all this matter euen :
2595Keepe you your word, O Duke, to giue your daughter,
2596You yours Orlando, to receiue his daughter :
2597Keepe you your word Phebe, that you'l marrie me,
2599Keepe your word Siluius, that you'l marrie her
2603Some liuely touches of my daughters fauour.
2605Me thought he was a brother to your daughrer:
2606But my good Lord, this Boy is Forrest borne,
2607And hath bin tutor'd in the rudiments
2609Whom he reports to be a great Magitian.
2610Enter Clowne and Audrey.
2613couples are comming to the Arke. Here comes a payre
2616Clo. Salutation and greeting to you all.
2617Iaq. Good my Lord, bid him welcome : This is the
2618Motley-minded Gentleman, that I haue so often met in
2620Clo. If any man doubt that, let him put mee to my
2622I haue bin politicke with my friend, smooth with mine
2623enemie, I haue vndone three Tailors, I haue had foure
2624quarrels, and like to haue fought one.
2625Iaq. And how was that tane vp?
2626Clo. 'Faith we met, and found the quarrel was vpon
2630Du.Se. I like him very well.
2634and blood breakes: a poore virgin sir, an il-fauor'd thing
2646cut of a certaine Courtiers beard: he sent me word, if I
2647said his beard was not cut well, hee was in the minde it
2648was : this is call'd the retort courteous. If I sent him
2649word againe, it was not well cut, he wold send me word
2651If againe, it was not well cut, he disabled my iudgment:
2652this is called, the reply churlish. If againe it was not well
2654reproofe valiant. If againe, it was not well cut, he wold
2662Iaq. Can you nominate in order now, the degrees of
2663the lye.
2665haue bookes for good manners: I will name you the de-
2671Lye direct : and you may auoide that too, with an If. I
2673but when the parties were met themselues, one of them
2676the onely peace-maker: much vertue in if.
2677Iaq. Is not this a rare fellow my Lord? He's as good
2678at any thing, and yet a foole.
2681Enter Hymen, Rosalind, and Celia.
2682Still Musicke.
Hymen. Then is there mirth in heauen,
2684 When earthly things made eauen
2685 attone together,
2686 Good Duke receiue thy daughter,
2687 Hymen from Heauen brought her,
2688 Yea brought her hether,
2692To you I giue my selfe, for I am yours.
2696Ros. Ile haue no Father, if you be not he:
2697Ile haue no Husband, if you be not he:
2698Nor ne're wed woman, if you be not shee.
2702Here's eight that must take hands,
2703To ioyne in Hymens bands,
2704If truth holds true contents.
2706You and you, are hart in hart:
2707You, to his loue must accord,
2708Or haue a Woman to your Lord.
2709You and you, are sure together,
2710As the Winter to fowle Weather:
2711Whiles a Wedlocke Hymne we sing,
2719 High wedlock then be honored:
2720 Honor, high honor and renowne
2721 To Hymen, God of euerie Towne.
2722Du.Se. O my deere Neece, welcome thou art to me,
2723Euen daughter welcome, in no lesse degree.
2724Phe. I wil not eate my word, now thou art mine,
2725Thy faith, my fancie to thee doth combine.
2726Enter Second Brother.
27272. Bro. Let me haue audience for a word or two:
2730Duke Frederick hearing how that euerie day
2732Addrest a mightie power, which were on foote
2734His brother heere, and put him to the sword:
2735And to the skirts of this wilde Wood he came;
2736Where, meeting with an old Religious man,
2738Both from his enterprize, and from the world:
2739His crowne bequeathing to his banish'd Brother,
2740And all their Lands restor'd to him againe
2741That were with him exil'd. This to be true,
2742I do engage my life.
2743Du.Se. Welcome yong man:
2745To one his lands with-held, and to the other
2746A land it selfe at large, a potent Dukedome.
2748That heere vvete well begun, and wel begot:
2749And after, euery of this happie number
2750That haue endur'd shrew'd daies, and nights with vs,
2751Shal share the good of our returned fortune,
2753Meane time, forget this new-falne dignitie,
2754And fall into our Rusticke Reuelrie:
2755Play Musicke, and you Brides and Bride-groomes all,
2757Iaq. Sir, by your patience: if I heard you rightly,
2758The Duke hath put on a Religious life,
2759And throwne into neglect the pompous Court.
27602. Bro. He hath.
2762There is much matter to be heard, and learn'd:
2763you to your former Honor, I bequeath
2764your patience, and your vertue, well deserues it.
2765you to a loue, that your true faith doth merit:
2766you to your land, and loue, and great allies:
2767you to a long, and well-deserued bed:
2768And you to wrangling, for thy louing voyage
2770I am for other, then for dancing meazures.
2778Lord the Prologue. If it be true, that good wine needs
2779no bush, 'tis true, that a good play needes no Epilogue.
2781playes proue the better by the helpe of good Epilogues:
2783logue, nor cannot insinuate with you in the behalfe of a
2784good play? I am not furnish'd like a Begger, therefore
2785to begge will not become mee. My way is to coniure
2786you, and Ile begin with the Women. I charge you (O
2787women) for the loue you beare to men, to like as much
2788of this Play, as please you: And I charge you (O men)
2789for the loue you beare to women (as I perceiue by your
2790simpring, none of you hates them) that betweene you,
2792man, I would kisse as many of you as had beards that
2793pleas'd me, complexions that lik'd me, and breaths that
2795beards, or good faces, or sweet breaths, will for my kind