Henry the fourth.
12881133Prince Saturne and Venus this yeere in coniun
ction? what
12901135Poyns And look whether the
fierie Trigon his man be not
sping to his ma
ster, old tables, his note booke, his coun
sel kee
- 12931138Falst. Thou do
st giue me
flattering bu
12941139Dol By my troth I ki
sse thee with a mo
st con
stant heart.
12971141Dol. I loue thee better then I loue, ere a
scuruy yong boy of
12991143Fal. What
ffe wilt haue a kirtle of? I
shall receiue mony
13001144a thur
shalt haue a cap to morrow: a merry
song, come it
13011145growes late, weele to bed, thou't forget me when I am gone.
13041146Dol By my troth thou't
set me a weeping and thou
st so,
13051147proue that euer I dre
sse my
selfe hand
some til thy returne, wel
13091151Falst. Ha? a ba
sonne of the Kings? and arte not thou
13111153Prince Why thou globe of
sinfull continents, what a life
13131155Falst. A better then thou, I am a gentleman, thou art a
13151157Prince Very true
sir, and I come to drawe you out by the
13171159Host. O the Lord pre
serue thy grace: by my troth welcom
13181160to London, now the Lord ble
sse that
sweete face of thine, O
13201162Falst. Thou hor
son madde compound of maie
stie, by this
sh, and corrupt bloud, thou art welcome.
13221164Doll How? you fat foole I
scorne you.
13231165Poynes My lorde, he will driue you out of your reuenge,
13241166and turne all to a meriment if you take not the heate.
13261167Prince You hor
son candlemine you, how vildly did you
13271168speake of me now, before this hone
st, vertuous, ciuill gentle
- E2 Host.