Henry the fourth.
22381977Cole. I am a Knight
sir, and my name is Coleuile of the
22401979Fal. well then, Colleuile is your name, a Knight is your de
- 22411980gree, and your place the dale: Coleuile
still your name,
22421981a traitor your degree, & the dungeon your place, a place deep
shall you be
stil Colleuile of the Dale.
22451983Colle. Are not you
sir Iohn Fal
22461984Fal. As good a man as he
sir, who ere I am: doe ye yeelde
22471985sir, or
shall I
sweat for you? if I doe
sweate, they are the drops
22481986of thy louers, and they weepe for thy death, therefore rowze
22491987vp feare and trembling, and do ob
seruance to my mercie.
22511988Colle. I think you are
sir Iohn Fal
ffe, and in that thought
22531990Fal. I haue a whole
school of tongues in this belly of mine,
22541991and not a tongue of them all
speakes any other word but my
22551992name, and I had but a belly of any indi
fferencie, I were
22561993the mo
st a
ctiue fellow in Europe
: my womb, my wombe, my
22571994womb vndoes me, heere comes our Generall.
22591995Enter Iohn Westmerland, and the rest. Retraite 22601996Iohn The heate is pa
st, follow no further now,
22611997Call in the powers good coo
sin We
22621998Now Fal
ffe, where haue you beene all this while?
22631999When euery thing is ended, then you come:
se tardy trickes of yours wil on my life
22652001One time or other breake
some gallowes backe.
22662002Fal. I would bee
sory my lord, but it
shoulde bee thus: I
22672003neuer knew yet but Rebuke and Checke, was the rewarde of
22682004Valor: do you thinke me a
swallow, an arrow, or a bullet? haue
22692005I in my poore and old motion the expedition of thought? I
speeded hither with the very extreame
st inch of po
- 22712007lity, I haue foundred nine
score and od po
stes, and here trauell
22722008tainted as I am, haue in my pure and immaculate valour, ta
- 22732009ken
sir Iohn Colleuile of the Dale, a mo
st furious Knight and
22752010valorous enemy,: but what of that? he
sawe me, and yeelded,
22762011that I may iu
say with the hooke-no
sde fellow of Rome,