The second part of
836738Prince What would
st thou thinke of me if I
should weep?
837739Poynes I woulde thincke thee a mo
st princely hypocrite.
838740Prince It would bee euery mans thought, and thou arte
839741a ble
ssed felow, to thinke as euery man thinkes, neuer a mans
840742thought in the world, keepes the rode way better then thine,
841743euerie man would thinke me an hypocrite indeede, and what
842744accites your mo
st wor
shipfull thought to thinke
844745Poynes Why becau
se you haue been
so lewd and
so much
ffed to Fal
Prince And to thee.
847747Poyne By this light I am well
spoke on, I can heare it with
848748mine owne eares, the wor
st that they can
say of me is that I am
second brother, and that I am a proper fellow of my hands,
850750and tho
se two things I confe
sse I cannot helpe: by the ma
852753Prince And the boy that I gaue Fal
ffe, a had him from
853754me Chri
stian, and looke if the fat villaine haue not tran
856756Bard. God
saue your grace.
857757Prince And yours mo
st noble Bardolfe.
858758Poynes Come you vertuous a
sse, you ba
shfull foole, mu
st 859759you be blu
shing, wherefore blu
sh you now? what a maidenly
860760man at armes are you become? i
st such a matter to get a pottle-
862762Boy A calls me enow my Lord, through a red lattice, and I
863763could di
scerne no part of his face from the window, at la
st I
864764spied his eies, and me thought he had made two holes in the ale
865765wiues peticote and
so peept through.
867766Prince Has not the boy pro
868767Bard. Away you hor
son vpright rabble, away.
869768Boy Away you ra
scally Altheas dreame, away.
870769Prince In
ct vs boy, what dreame boy?
871770Boy Mary my lord, Althear dreampt
she was deliuered of
firebrand, and therefore I call him her dreame.
873772Prince A crownes worth of good interpretation there tis boy.