Henry the fourth.
213204Let heauen ki
sse earth, now let not Natures hand
214205Keepe the wild
floud con
find, let Order die,
215206And let this world no longer be a
216207To feed contention in a lingring a
217208But let one
spirite of the
st borne Cain
218209Raigne in all bo
somes, that ech heart being
219210On bloudy cour
ses, the rude
sceane may end,
220211And darkne
sse be the burier of the dead.
220.1212Vmfr. This
strained pa
ssion doth you wrong my lord.
221213Bard. Sweet earle, diuorce not wi
sedom from your honor,
222214Mour. The liues of all your louing complices,
223215Leaue on you health, the which if you giue ore,
stormy pa
ssion mu
st perforce decay.
239217Bard. We all that are ingaged to this lo
240218Knew that we ventured on
such dangerous
241219That if we wrought out life, twas ten to one,
242220And yet we venturd for the gaine propo
243221Choakt the re
ct of likely perill fear'd,
since we are ore
set, venture againe:
245223Come, we will al put forth body and goods.
246224Mour. Tis more then time, and my mo
st noble lord,
247225I heare for certaine, and dare
speake the truth.
269226North. I knew of this before, but to
speake truth,
270227This pre
sent griefe had wipte it from my mind,
271228Go in with me and coun
sell euery man,
272229The apte
st way for
safety and reuenge,
273230Get po
stes and letters, and make friends with
so few, and neuer yet more need.
276232Enter sir Iohn alone, with his page bearing his sword
277234Iohn Sirra, you giant, what
saies the do
ctor to my water?
278235Page He
sir, the water it
self was a good healthy water,
279236but for the party that owed it, he might haue moe di
ses then
B Iohn