The second part of
281238Iohn Men of al
sorts take a pride to gird at me: the braine
239of this fooli
sh compoũded clay-man is not able to inuent any
283240thing that intends to laughter, more then I inuent, or is
inuẽted 284241on me, I am not only witty in my
selfe, but the cau
se that wit is
285242in other men. I do here walk before thee, like a
sow that hath
286243ouerwhelmd al her litter but one, if the prince put thee into my
287244seruice for any other rea
son then to
sett me o
ff, why then I
289245haue no iudgement thou hore
son mandrake, thou art
fitter to
290246be worne in my cap, then to wait at my heels I was neuer man
- 291247ned with an agot till now, but I wil in-
set you, neither in golde
siluer, but in vile apparell, and
send you backe againe to
293249your ma
ster for a iewell, the iuuenall the prince your ma
se chin is not yet
fledge, I will
sooner haue a beard grow
295251in the palme of my hand, then he
shal get one o
ff his cheek, &
296252yet he will not
sticke to
say his face is a face royal, God may
fi- 298253ni
sh it when he will, tis not a haire ami
sse yet, he may keepe it
299254still at a face royall, for a barber
shall neuer earne
sixpence out
300255of it, and yet heele be crowing as if he had writte man euer
301256since his father was a batcheler, he may keepe his owne grace,
302257but hees almo
st out of mine I can a
ssure him: what
said ma
303258Dommelton about the
sattin for my
short cloake and my
305260Boy He
sir, you
should procure him better a
306261then Bardolfe, he would not take his band and yours, he liked
308263sir Iohn Let him be damn'd like the glutton, pray God his
309264tongue be hotter, a hore
son Achitophel! a ra
scall: yea for
310265knaue, to beare a gentle man in hand, and then
stand vpon
- 311266curity, the hor
smoothy-pates doe now weare nothing but
shooes and bunches of keyes at their girdles, and if a man is
313268through with them in hone
st taking vp, then they mu
st stand
security, I had as liue they would put rat
sbane in my
315270mouth as o
ffer to
stop it with
security, I lookt a
should haue
317271sent me two and twenty yards of
sattin (as I am a true knight,)
318272and he
sends me
security: well he may
sleepe in
security, for he
319273hath the horne of aboundance, and the lightne
sse of his wife