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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby

  • Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

    Henry the fourth.
    Wrested his meaning and authority.
    My Lord, these griefes shall be with speed redrest,
    Vppon my soule they shal, if this may please you,
    Discharge your powers vnto their seuerall counties,
    2165As we will ours, and here betweene the armies,
    Lets drinke together friendly and embrace,
    That all their eies may beare those tokens home,
    Of our restored loue and amitie.
    Bishop I take your princely word for these redresses,
    2170I giue it you, and will maintaine my word,
    And therevpon I drinke vnto your grace.
    Prince Go Captaine, and deliuer to the armie
    This newes of peace, let them haue pay, and part.
    I know it will well please them, hie thee captaine.
    Bishop To you my noble lord of Westmerland.
    West. I pledge your grace, and if you knew what paines,
    I haue bestowed to breed this present peace,
    2180You would drinke freely, but my loue to ye
    Shall shew it selfe more openly hereafter.
    Bishop I do not doubt you.
    West. I am glad of it,
    Health to my Lord, and gentle cosin Mowbray.
    2185Mow. You wish me health in very happy season,
    For I am on the sodaine something ill.
    Bishop Against ill chaunces men are euer mery,
    But heauinesse fore-runnes the good euent.
    West. Therefore be mery coze, since sodaine sorrow
    2190Serues to say thus, some good thing comes to morow.
    Bishop Beleeue me I am passing light in spirit.
    Mow. So much the worse if your owne rule be true. shout.
    Prin. The word of peace is rendred, heark how they showt.
    2195Mow. This had bin cheerefull after victory.
    Bishop A peace is of the nature of a conquest,
    For then both parties nobly are subdued,
    And neither party looser.
    Prince Go my lord,
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