Henry the fourth.
20881834And therefore be a
ssurde, my good Lord Mar
20891835If we do now make our attonement well,
20901836Our peace wil like a broken limbe vnited,
20921838Mow. Be it
so, here is returnd my lord of We
20951840West. The prince is here at hand, plea
seth your Lord
20961841To meet his grace iu
st di
stance tweene our armies.
21001842Enter Prince Iohn and his armie. 20971843Mow. Your grace of York, in Gods name then
set forward.
20991844Bishop. Before, and greete his grace (my lord) we come.
21011845Iohn You are well incountred here, my cou
sen Mowbray,
21021846Good day to you, gentle Lord Archbi
so to you Lord Ha
stings, and to all.
21041848My Lord of Yorke, it better
shewed with you,
21051849When that your
flocke a
ssembled by the bell,
21061850Encircled you, to heare with reuerence,
21071851Your expo
sition on the holy text,
21081852That now to
see you here, an yron man talking,
21091853Cheering a rowt of rebells with your drumme,
21101854Turning the word to
sword, and life to death.
21111855That man that
sits within a monarches heart,
21121856And ripens in the
shine of his fauor,
21131857Would he abu
se the countenance of the King:
21141858Alacke what mi
scheefes might he
set abroach,
shadow of
such greatne
sse? with you Lord bi
21161860It is euen
so, who hath not heard it
21171861How deepe you were within the bookes of God,
21181862To vs the
speaker in his parliament,
21191863To vs th'imagine voice of God him
21201864The very opener and intelligencer,
21211865Betweene the grace, the
ctities of heauen,
21221866And our dull workings? O who
shal beleeue,
21231867But you mi
se the reuerence of your place,
G2 Imply