790691Enter the Prince, Poynes, sir Iohn Russel, with other. 792692Prince Before God, I am exceeding weary.
793693Poynes I
st come to that? I had thought wearines dur
st not
794694haue attacht one of
so hie bloud.
795695Prince Faith it does me, though it di
scolors the complexi
- 796696on of my greatnes to acknowledge it: doth it not
shew vildly
797697in me, to de
small beere?
798698Poynes Why a Prince
should not be
so loo
studied, as
799699to remember
so weake a compo
800700Prince Belike then my appetite was not princely gote, for
801701by my troth, I do now remember the poor creature
smal beere.
Henry the fourth.
802702But indeed the
se humble con
siderations make me out of loue
803703with my greatne
sse. What a di
sgrace is it to mee to remember
804704thy name? or to know thy face to morow? or to take note how
805705many paire of
stockings thou ha
st with the
se, and tho
806706that were thy peach colourd once, or to beare the inuentorie of
shirts, as one for
fluitie, and another for v
se. But that
809708the Tennis court keeper knows better than I, for it is a low eb
810709of linnen with thee when thou keepe
st not racket there, as thou
st not done a great while, becau
se the re
st of the low Coun
- 812711tries haue eate vp thy holland: and God knows whether tho
812.1712that bal out the ruines of thy linnen
shal inherite his kingdom:
812.2713but the Midwiues
say, the children are not in the fault where
- 812.3714vpon the world increa
ses, and kinreds are mightily
- 814716Poynes How ill it followes, after you haue labored
so hard,
should talke
so ydlely! tell me how many good yong prin
- 816718ces woulde doe
so, their fathers being
sicke, as yours at this
818720Prince Shall I tel thee one thing Poynes?
819721Poynes Yes faith, and let it be an excellent good thing.
820722Prince It
serue among wittes of no higher breeding
822724Poynes Go to, I
stand the pu
sh of your one thing that you
824726Prince Mary I tell thee it is not meete that I
should bee
825727now my father is
sicke, albeit I could tell to thee, as to one it
ses me for fault of a better to call my friend, I could be
828730Poynes Very hardly, vpon
such a
829731Prince By this hand, thou thinke
st me as farre in the diuels
830732booke, as thou and Fal
ffe, for obduracie and per
831733let the end trie the man, but I tel thee, my heart bleeds inward
- 832734ly that my father is
sick, and keeping
such vile company as
833735thou arte, hath in rea
son taken from me all o
stentation of
- Prince.
The second part of
836738Prince What would
st thou thinke of me if I
should weep?
837739Poynes I woulde thincke thee a mo
st princely hypocrite.
838740Prince It would bee euery mans thought, and thou arte
839741a ble
ssed felow, to thinke as euery man thinkes, neuer a mans
840742thought in the world, keepes the rode way better then thine,
841743euerie man would thinke me an hypocrite indeede, and what
842744accites your mo
st wor
shipfull thought to thinke
844745Poynes Why becau
se you haue been
so lewd and
so much
ffed to Fal
Prince And to thee.
847747Poyne By this light I am well
spoke on, I can heare it with
848748mine owne eares, the wor
st that they can
say of me is that I am
second brother, and that I am a proper fellow of my hands,
850750and tho
se two things I confe
sse I cannot helpe: by the ma
852753Prince And the boy that I gaue Fal
ffe, a had him from
853754me Chri
stian, and looke if the fat villaine haue not tran
856756Bard. God
saue your grace.
857757Prince And yours mo
st noble Bardolfe.
858758Poynes Come you vertuous a
sse, you ba
shfull foole, mu
st 859759you be blu
shing, wherefore blu
sh you now? what a maidenly
860760man at armes are you become? i
st such a matter to get a pottle-
862762Boy A calls me enow my Lord, through a red lattice, and I
863763could di
scerne no part of his face from the window, at la
st I
864764spied his eies, and me thought he had made two holes in the ale
865765wiues peticote and
so peept through.
867766Prince Has not the boy pro
868767Bard. Away you hor
son vpright rabble, away.
869768Boy Away you ra
scally Altheas dreame, away.
870769Prince In
ct vs boy, what dreame boy?
871770Boy Mary my lord, Althear dreampt
she was deliuered of
firebrand, and therefore I call him her dreame.
873772Prince A crownes worth of good interpretation there tis boy.
Henry the fourth.
875773Poines O that this blo
ssome could be kept from cankers!
876774well, there is
sixpence to pre
serue thee.
877775Bard. And you do not make him hangd among you, the gal
- 879777Prince And how doth thy ma
ster Bardolfe?
880778Bard. Well my Lord, he heard of your graces comming to
881779towne, theres a letter for you.
882780Poynes Deliuerd with good re
ct, and how doth the mar
- 884782Bard. In bodily health
885783Poynes Mary the immortall part needes a phi
sitian, but that
886784moues not him, though that be
sicke, it dies not.
888785Prince I do allow this Wen to be as familiar with me, as my
889786dogge, and he holds his place, for looke you how he writes.
euery man must know that
892788as oft as he has occa
sion to name him
selfe: euen like tho
se that
893789are kin to the King for they neuer pricke their
finger, but they
894790saye, theres
some of the Kings bloud
spilt: how comes that
saies he) that takes vppon him not to conceiue the an
swer is as
896792ready as a borowed cap: I am the Kings poore co
898793Prince Nay they will be kin to vs, or they will fetch it from
Sir Iohn Falstaffe knight, to the sonne of
900795the king, neare
st his father, Harry prince of Wales, greeting.
902796Poynes Why this is a certi
I will imitate the honourable Romanes in breuitie.
905799Poynes He
sure meanes breuity in breath,
short winded,
I commend mee to thee, I commend thee, and, I leaue
907801thee, be not too familiar with Poynes, for he mi
ses thy fa
- 908802uours
so much, that he
sweares thou art to mary his
sister Nel,
909803repent at idle times as thou mai
st, and
so farwel.
910804Thine by yea, and no, which is as much as to
say, as
911805thou v
st him, Iacke Fal
ffe with my family,
912806Iohn with my brothers and
sisters, and
sir Iohn
914808Poynes My Lord, Ile
steep this letter in
sacke and make him
D eate
The second part of
916810Prince Thats to make him eate twenty of his words, but do
917811you v
se me, thus Ned? mu
st I marrie your
918812Poynes God
send the wench no wor
se fortune, but I neuer
920814Prince Wel, thus we play the fooles with the time, and the
921815spirits of the wi
sit in the clowdes and mocke vs, is your ma
- 924818Prince Where
sups he? doth the old boare feede in the old
926820Bard. At the old place, my lord, in Ea
928822Boy Ephe
sians, my lord, of the old church.
929823Prince Sup any women with him?
930824Boy None my lord, but old mi
stris Quickly, and mi
stris Dol
932826Prince What Pagan may that be?
933827Boy A proper gentlewoman
sir, and a kin
swoman of my
935829Prince Euen
such kinne as the pari
sh Heicfors are to the
936830towne bull,
shall we
steale vpon them Ned at
938831Poynes I am your
shadow my Lord, ile follow you.
939832Prince Sirra, you boy and Bardolfe, no worde to your ma
- 833ster that I am yet come to towne; theres for your
942834Bar. I haue no tongue
835Boy And for mine
sir, I will gouerne it.
943836Prince Fare you well: go, this Doll Tere-
should be
946838Poyns I warrant you, as common as the way between S. Al
- 948840Prince How might we
see Fal
ffe be
stow him
self to night
949841in his true colours, and not our
selues be
950842Poynes Put on two letherne ierkins and aprons, and waite
951843vpon him at his table as drawers.
952844Prince From a god to a bul, a heauy de
sion, it was Ioues
Henry the fourth.
se, from a pince to a prenti
se, a low tran
sformation, that
954846be mine, for in enery thing the purpo
se mu
st weigh with the
955847folly, follow me Ned.