Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Henry IV, Part 1
Henry IV, Part 1 (Folio 1 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
The First Part of King Henry the Fourth. 59
1371many in our Land, by the Name of Pitch: this Pitch (as
1376there is a vertuous man, whom I haue often noted in thy
1377companie, but I know not his Name.
1380Falst. A goodly portly man yfaith, and a corpulent,
1383inclining to threescore; and now I remember mee, his
1385hee deceiues mee; for Harry, I see Vertue in his Lookes.
1386If then the Tree may be knowne by the Fruit, as the Fruit
1387by the Tree, then peremptorily I speake it, there is Vertue
1389tell mee now, thou naughtie Varlet, tell mee, where hast
1390thou beene this moneth?
1392for mee, and Ile play my Father.
1394maiestically, both in word and matter, hang me vp by the
1395heeles for a Rabbet-sucker, or a Poulters Hare.
1398Prin. Now Harry, whence come you?
1400Prin. The complaints I heare of thee, are grieuous.
1402ye for a young Prince.
1404ne're looke on me: thou art violently carryed away from
1405Grace: there is a Deuill haunts thee, in the likenesse of a
1406fat old Man; a Tunne of Man is thy Companion: Why
1410bagge of Guts, that rosted Manning Tree Oxe with the
1411Pudding in his Belly, that reuerend Vice, that grey Ini-
1413in is he good, but to taste Sacke, and drinke it? wherein
1414neat and cleanly, but to carue a Capon, and eat it? where-
1415in Cunning, but in Craft? wherein Craftie, but in Villa-
1416nie? wherein Villanous, but in all things? wherein wor-
1417thy, but in nothing?
1418Falst. I would your Grace would take me with you:
1419whom meanes your Grace?
1420Prince. That villanous abhominable mis-leader of
1422Falst. My Lord, the man I know.
1426(the more the pittie) his white hayres doe witnesse it:
1428ster, that I vtterly deny. If Sacke and Sugar bee a fault,
1429Heauen helpe the Wicked: if to be olde and merry, be a
1431if to be fat, be to be hated, then Pharaohs leane Kine are
1437not him thy Harryes companie; banish plumpe Iacke, and
1438banish all the World.
1439Prince. I doe, I will.
1440 Enter Bardolph running.
1443Falst. Out you Rogue, play out the Play: I haue much
1445 Enter the Hostesse.
1446Hostesse. O, my Lord, my Lord.
1448sticke: what's the matter?
1449Hostesse. The Sherife and all the Watch are at the
1451them in?
1453Gold a Counterfeit: thou art essentially made, without
1457Falst. I deny your Maior: if you will deny the
1458Sherife, so: if not, let him enter. If I become not a Cart
1459as well as another man, a plague on my bringing vp: I
1463walke vp aboue. Now my Masters, for a true Face and
1464good Conscience.
1465Falst. Both which I haue had: but their date is out,
1466and therefore Ile hide me. Exit.
1467Prince. Call in the Sherife.
1468 Enter Sherife and the Carrier.
1472followed certaine men vnto this house.
1473Prince. What men?
1474She. One of them is well knowne, my gracious Lord,
1475a grosse fat man.
1476Car. As fat as Butter.
1478For I my selfe at this time haue imploy'd him:
1479And Sherife, I will engage my word to thee,
1480That I will by to morrow Dinner time,
1481Send him to answere thee, or any man,
1482For any thing he shall be charg'd withall:
1484She. I will, my Lord: there are two Gentlemen
1485Haue in this Robberie lost three hundred Markes.
1488She. Good Night, my Noble Lord.
1489Prince. I thinke it is good Morrow, is it not?
1490She. Indeede, my Lord, I thinke it be two a Clocke.
1491 Exit.
1493goe call him forth.