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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 1 (Folio 1 1623)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-371-7

    Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 1 (Folio 1 1623)

    Scaena Quarta.
    The Trumpets sound.
    Enter the King, Prince of Wales, Lord Iohn of Lancaster,
    3135Earle of Westmerland, with Worcester &
    Vernon Prisoners.
    King. Thus euer did Rebellion finde Rebuke.
    Ill-spirited Worcester, did we not send Grace,
    Pardon, and tearmes of Loue to all of you?
    3140And would'st thou turne our offers contrary?
    Misuse the tenor of thy Kinsmans trust?
    Three Knights vpon our party slaine to day,
    A Noble Earle, and many a creature else,
    Had beene aliue this houre,
    3145If like a Christian thou had'st truly borne
    Betwixt our Armies, true Intelligence.
    Wor. What I haue done, my safety vrg'd me to,
    And I embrace this fortune patiently,
    Since not to be auoyded, it fals on mee.
    3150King. Beare Worcester to death, and Vernon too:
    Other offenders we will pause vpon.
    Exit Worcester and Vernon.
    How goes the Field?
    Prin. The Noble Scot Lord Dowglas, when hee saw
    3155The fortune of the day quite turn'd from him,
    The Noble Percy slaine, and all his men,
    Vpon the foot of feare, fled with the rest;
    And falling from a hill, he was so bruiz'd
    That the pursuers tooke him. At my Tent
    3160The Dowglas is, and I beseech your Grace.
    I may dispose of him.
    King. With all my hcart.
    Prin. Then Brother Iohn of Lancaster,
    To you this honourable bounty shall belong:
    3165Go to the Dowglas, and deliuer him
    Vp to his pleasure, ransomlesse and free:
    His Valour shewne vpon our Crests to day,
    Hath taught vs how to cherish such high deeds,
    Euen in the bosome of our Aduersaries.
    3170King. Then this remaines: that we diuide our Power.
    You Sonne Iohn, and my Cousin Westmerland
    Towards Yorke shall bend you, with your deerest speed
    To meet Northumberland, and the Prelate Scroope,
    Who (as we heare) are busily in Armes.
    3175My Selfe, and you Sonne Harry will towards Wales,
    To fight with Glendower, and the Earle of March.
    Rebellion in this Land shall lose his way,
    Meeting the Checke of such another day:
    And since this Businesse so faire is done,
    3180Let vs not leaue till all our owne be wonne.