Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Henry IV, Part 1 (Folio 1 1623)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-371-7

    Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 1 (Folio 1 1623)

    60 The First Part of King Henry the Fourth.
    He searcheth his Pockets, and findeth
    certaine Papers.
    1500Prince. What hast thou found?
    Peto. Nothing but Papers, my Lord.
    Prince. Let's see, what be they? reade them.
    Peto. Item, a Capon. ii.s.ii.d.
    Item, Sawce iiii.d.
    1505Item, Sacke, two Gallons. v.s.viii.d.
    Item, Anchoues and Sacke after Supper.
    Item, Bread. ob.
    Prince. O monstrous, but one halfe penny-worth of
    Bread to this intollerable deale of Sacke? What there is
    1510else, keepe close, wee'le reade it at more aduantage: there
    let him sleepe till day. Ile to the Court in the Morning:
    Wee must all to the Warres, and thy place shall be hono-
    rable. Ile procure this fat Rogue a Charge of Foot,
    and I know his death will be a Match of Twelue-score.
    1515The Money shall be pay'd backe againe with aduantage.
    Be with me betimes in the Morning: and so good mor-
    row Peto.
    Peto. Good morrow, good my Lord.

    Actus Tertius. Scena Prima.

    1520 Enter Hotspurre, Worcester, Lord Mortimer,
    Owen Glendower.

    Mort. These promises are faire, the parties sure,
    And our induction full of prosperous hope.
    Hotsp. Lord Mortimer, and Cousin Glendower,
    1525Will you sit downe?
    And Vnckle Worcester; a plague vpon it,
    I haue forgot the Mappe.
    Glend. No, here it is:
    Sit Cousin Percy, sit good Cousin Hotspurre:
    1530For by that Name, as oft as Lancaster doth speake of you,
    His Cheekes looke pale, and with a rising sigh,
    He wisheth you in Heauen.
    Hotsp. And you in Hell, as oft as he heares Owen Glen-
    dower spoke of.
    1535Glend. I cannot blame him: At my Natiuitie,
    The front of Heauen was full of fierie shapes,
    Of burning Cressets: and at my Birth,
    The frame and foundation of the Earth
    Shak'd like a Coward.
    1540Hotsp. Why so it would haue done at the same season,
    if your Mothers Cat had but kitten'd, though your selfe
    had neuer beene borne.
    Glend. I say the Earth did shake when I was borne.
    Hotsp. And I say the Earth was not of my minde,
    1545If you suppose, as fearing you, it shooke.
    Glend. The Heauens were all on fire, the Earth did
    Hotsp. Oh, then the Earth shooke
    To see the Heauens on fire,
    1550And not in feare of your Natiuitie.
    Diseased Nature oftentimes breakes forth
    In strange eruptions; and the teeming Earth
    Is with a kinde of Collick pincht and vext,
    By the imprisoning of vnruly Winde
    1555Within her Wombe: which for enlargement striuing,
    Shakes the old Beldame Earth, and tombles downe
    Steeples, and mosse-growne Towers. At your Birth,
    Our Grandam Earth, hauing this distemperature,
    In passion shooke.
    1560Glend. Cousin: of many men
    I doe not beare these Crossings: Giue me leaue
    To tell you once againe, that at my Birth
    The front of Heauen was full of fierie shapes,
    The Goates ranne from the Mountaines, and the Heards
    1565Were strangely clamorous to the frighted fields:
    These signes haue markt me extraordinarie,
    And all the courses of my Life doe shew,
    I am not in the Roll of common men.
    Where is the Liuing, clipt in with the Sea,
    1570That chides the Bankes of England, Scotland, and Wales,
    Which calls me Pupill, or hath read to me?
    And bring him out, that is but Womans Sonne,
    Can trace me in the tedious wayes of Art,
    And hold me pace in deepe experiments.
    1575Hotsp. I thinke there's no man speakes better Welsh:
    Ile to Dinner.
    Mort. Peace cousin Percy, you will make him mad.
    Glend. I can call Spirits from the vastie Deepe.
    Hotsp. Why so can I, or so can any man:
    1580But will they come, when you doe call for them?
    Glend. Why, I can teach thee, Cousin, to command the
    Hotsp. And I can teach thee, Cousin, to shame the Deuil,
    By telling truth. Tell truth, and shame the Deuill.
    1585If thou haue power to rayse him, bring him hither,
    And Ile be sworne, I haue power to shame him hence.
    Oh, while you liue, tell truth, and shame the Deuill.
    Mort. Come, come, no more of this vnprofitable
    1590Glend. Three times hath Henry Bullingbrooke made head
    Against my Power: thrice from the Banks of Wye,
    And sandy-bottom'd Seuerne, haue I hent him
    Bootlesse home, and Weather-beaten backe.
    Hotsp. Home without Bootes,
    1595And in foule Weather too,
    How scapes he Agues in the Deuils name?
    Glend. Come, heere's the Mappe:
    Shall wee diuide our Right,
    According to our three-fold order ta'ne?
    1600Mort. The Arch-Deacon hath diuided it
    Into three Limits, very equally:
    England, from Trent, and Seuerne. hitherto,
    By South and East, is to my part assign'd:
    All Westward, Wales, beyond the Seuerne shore,
    1605And all the fertile Land within that bound,
    To Owen Glendower: And deare Couze, to you
    The remnant Northward, lying off from Trent.
    And our Indentures Tripartite are drawne:
    Which being sealed enterchangeably,
    1610(A Businesse that this Night may execute)
    To morrow, Cousin Percy, you and I,
    And my good Lord of Worcester, will set forth,
    To meete your Father, and the Scottish Power,
    As is appointed vs at Shrewsbury.
    1615My Father Glendower is not readie yet,
    Nor shall wee neede his helpe these foureteene dayes:
    Within that space, you may haue drawne together
    Your Tenants, Friends, and neighbouring Gentlemen.
    Glend. A shorter time shall send me to you, Lords:
    1620And in my Conduct shall your Ladies come,
    From whom you now must steale, and take no leaue,
    For there will be a World of Water shed,