Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Henry IV, Part 1
Henry IV, Part 1 (Folio 1 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
62 The First Part of King Henry the Fourth.
1748Sung by a faire Queene in a Summers Bowre,
1751 The Lady speakes againe in Welsh.
1753Glend. She bids you,
1754On the wanton Rushes lay you downe,
1755And rest your gentle Head vpon her Lappe,
1757And on your Eye-lids Crowne the God of Sleepe,
1760As is the difference betwixt Day and Night,
1761The houre before the Heauenly Harneis'd Teeme
1764By that time will our Booke, I thinke, be drawne.
1767Hang in the Ayre a thousand Leagues from thence;
1770Come, quicke, quicke, that I may lay my Head in thy
1773 The Musicke playes.
1775And 'tis no maruell he is so humorous:
1776Byrlady hee's a good Musitian.
1778For you are altogether gouerned by humors:
1780Hotsp. I had rather heare (Lady) my Brach howle in
1783Hotsp. No.
1785Hotsp. Neyther, 'tis a Womans fault.
1786Lady. Now God helpe thee.
1788Lady. What's that?
1790 Heere the Lady sings a Welsh Song.
1791Hotsp. Come, Ile haue your Song too.
1795Not you, in good sooth; and, as true as I liue;
1799Sweare me, Kate, like a Lady, as thou art,
1802To Veluet-Guards, and Sunday-Citizens.
1803Come, sing.
1806brest teacher: and the Indentures be drawne, Ile away
1808will. Exit.
1810As hot Lord Percy is on fire to goe.
1811By this our Booke is drawne: wee'le but seale,
1812And then to Horse immediately.
1814 Scaena Secunda.
1815 Enter the King, Prince of Wales, and others.
1816King. Lords, giue vs leaue:
1817The Prince of Wales, and I,
1819But be neere at hand,
1821 Exeunt Lords.
1822I know not whether Heauen will haue it so,
1824That in his secret Doome, out of my Blood,
1825Hee'le breede Reuengement, and a Scourge for me:
1827Make me beleeue, that thou art onely mark'd
1828For the hot vengeance, and the Rod of heauen
1833As thou art matcht withall, and grafted too,
1834Accompanie the greatnesse of thy blood,
1835And hold their leuell with thy Princely heart?
1838As well as I am doubtlesse I can purge
1839My selfe of many I am charg'd withall:
1840Yet such extenuation let me begge,
1841As in reproofe of many Tales deuis'd,
1844I may for some things true, wherein my youth
1845Hath faultie wandred, and irregular,
1847King. Heauen pardon thee:
1848Yet let me wonder, Harry,
1852Which by thy younger Brother is supply'de;
1853And art almost an alien to the hearts
1854Of all the Court and Princes of my blood.
1855The hope and expectation of thy time
1856Is ruin'd, and the Soule of euery man
1857Prophetically doe fore-thinke thy fall.
1859So common hackney'd in the eyes of men,
1860So stale and cheape to vulgar Company;
1861Opinion, that did helpe me to the Crowne,
1864A fellow of no marke, nor likelyhood.
1866But like a Comet, I was wondred at,