Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Henry IV, Part 1 (Folio 1 1623)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-371-7

    Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 1 (Folio 1 1623)

    The First Part of King Henry the Fourth. 69
    Arch. And so there is, but yet the King hath drawne
    The speciall head of all the Land together:
    The Prince of Wales, Lord Iohn of Lancaster,
    The Noble Westmerland, and warlike Blunt;
    2620And many moe Corriuals, and deare men
    Of estimation, and command in Armes.
    Sir M. Doubt not my Lord, he shall be well oppos'd
    Arch. I hope no lesse? Yet needfull 'tis to feare,
    And to preuent the worst, Sir Michell speed;
    2625For if Lord Percy thriue not, ere the King
    Dismisse his power, he meanes to visit vs:
    For he hath heard of our Confederacie,
    And, 'tis but Wisedome to make strong against him:
    Therefore make hast, I must go write againe
    2630To other Friends: and so farewell, Sir Michell.

    Actus Quintus. Scena Prima.

    Enter the King, Prince of Wales, Lord Iohn of Lancaster,
    Earle of Westmerland, Sir Walter Blunt,
    and Falstaffe.

    2635King. How bloodily the Sunne begins to peere
    Aboue yon busky hill: the day lookes pale
    At his distemperature.
    Prin. The Southerne winde
    Doth play the Trumpet to his purposes,
    2640And by his hollow whistling in the Leaues,
    Fortels a Tempest, and a blust'ring day.
    King. Then with the losers let it sympathize,
    For nothing can seeme foule to those that win.
    The Trumpet sounds.
    2645 Enter Worcester.

    King. How now my Lord of Worster? 'Tis not well
    That you and I should meet vpon such tearmes,
    As now we meet. You haue deceiu'd our trust,
    And made vs doffe our easie Robes of Peace,
    2650To crush our old limbes in vngentle Steele:
    This is not well, my Lord, this is not well.
    What say you to it? Will you againe vnknit
    This churlish knot of all-abhorred Warre?
    And moue in that obedient Orbe againe,
    2655Where you did giue a faire and naturall light,
    And be no more an exhall'd Meteor,
    A prodigie of Feare, and a Portent
    Of broached Mischeefe, to the vnborne Times?
    Wor. Heare me, my Liege:
    2660For mine owne part, I could be well content
    To entertaine the Lagge-end of my life
    With quiet houres: For I do protest,
    I haue not sought the day of this dislike.
    King. You haue not sought it: how comes it then?
    2665Fal. Rebellion lay in his way, and he found it.
    Prin. Peace, Chewet, peace.
    Wor. It pleas'd your Maiesty, to turne your lookes
    Of Fauour, from my Selfe, and all our House;
    And yet I must remember you my Lord,
    2670We were the first, and dearest of your Friends:
    For you, my staffe of Office did I breake
    In Richards time, and poasted day and night
    To meete you on the way, and kisse your hand,
    When yet you were in place, and in account
    2675Nothing so strong and fortunate, as I;
    It was my Selfe, my Brother, and his Sonne,
    That brought you home, and boldly did out-dare
    The danger of the time. You swore to vs,
    And you did sweare that Oath at Doncaster,
    2680That you did nothing of purpose 'gainst the State,
    Nor claime no further, then your new-falne right,
    The seate of Gaunt, Dukedome of Lancaster,
    To this, we sware our aide: But in short space,
    It rain'd downe Fortune showring on your head,
    2685And such a floud of Greatnesse fell on you,
    What with our helpe, what with the absent King.
    What with the iniuries of wanton time,
    The seeming sufferances that you had borne,
    And the contrarious Windes that held the King
    2690So long in the vnlucky Irish Warres,
    That all in England did repute him dead:
    And from this swarme of faire aduantages,
    You tooke occasion to be quickly woo'd,
    To gripe the generall sway into your hand,
    2695Forgot your Oath to vs at Doncaster,
    And being fed by vs, you vs'd vs so,
    As that vngentle gull the Cuckowes Bird,
    Vseth the Sparrow, did oppresse our Nest,
    Grew by our Feeding, to so great a bulke,
    2700That euen our Loue durst not come neere your sight
    For feare of swallowing: But with nimble wing
    We were inforc'd for safety sake, to flye
    Out of your sight, and raise this present Head,
    Whereby we stand opposed by such meanes
    2705As you your selfe, haue forg'd against your selfe,
    By vnkinde vsage, dangerous countenance,
    And violation of all faith and troth
    Sworne to vs in yonger enterprize.
    Kin. These things indeede you haue articulated,
    2710Proclaim'd at Market Crosses, read in Churches,
    To face the Garment of Rebellion
    With some fine colour, that may please the eye
    Of fickle Changelings, and poore Discontents,
    Which gape, and rub the Elbow at the newes
    2715Of hurly burly Innouation:
    And neuer yet did Insurrection want
    Such water-colours, to impaint his cause:
    Nor moody Beggars, staruing for a time
    Of pell-mell hauocke, and confusion.
    2720Prin. In both our Armies, there is many a soule
    Shall pay full dearely for this encounter,
    If once they ioyne in triall. Tell your Nephew,
    The Prince of Wales doth ioyne with all the world
    In praise of Henry Percie: By my Hopes,
    2725This present enterprize set off his head,
    I do not thinke a brauer Gentleman,
    More actiue, valiant, or more valiant yong,
    More daring, or more bold, is now aliue,
    To grace this latter Age with Noble deeds.
    2730For my part, I may speake it to my shame,
    I haue a Truant beene to Chiualry,
    And so I heare, he doth account me too:
    Yet this before my Fathers Maiesty,
    I am content that he shall take the oddes
    2735Of his great name and estimation,
    And will, to saue the blood on either side,
    Try fortune with him, in a Single Fight.
    King. And Prince of Wales, so dare we venter thee,
    Albeit, considerations infinite