Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Henry IV, Part 1
Henry IV, Part 1 (Folio 1 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
The First Part of King Henry the Fourth. 53
609And then the power of Scotland, and of Yorke
610To ioyne with Mortimer, Ha.
612Hot. Infaith it is exceedingly well aym'd.
615For, beare our selues as euen as we can,
616The King will alwayes thinke him in our debt,
618Till he hath found a time to pay vs home.
619And see already, how he doth beginne
620To make vs strangers to his lookes of loue.
621Hot. He does, he does; wee'l be reueng'd on him.
624When time is ripe, which will be sodainly:
625Ile steale to Glendower, and loe, Mortimer,
626Where you, and Dowglas, and our powres at once,
628To beare our fortunes in our owne strong armes,
629Which now we hold at much vncertainty.
633 Actus Secundus. Scena Prima.
634 Enter a Carrier with a Lanterne in his hand.
6351. Car. Heigh-ho, an't be not foure by the day, Ile be
636hang'd. Charles waine is ouer the new Chimney, and yet
638Ost. Anon, anon.
6391. Car. I prethee Tom, beate Cuts Saddle, put a few
640Flockes in the point: the poore Iade is wrung in the wi-
641thers, out of all cesse.
642 Enter another Carrier.
644and this is the next way to giue poore Iades the Bottes:
648rose, it was the death of him.
650London rode for Fleas: I am stung like a Tench.
6542. Car. Why, you will allow vs ne're a Iourden, and
655then we leake in your Chimney: and your Chamber-lye
656breeds Fleas like a Loach.
6592. Car. I haue a Gammon of Bacon, and two razes of
660Ginger, to be deliuered as farre as Charing-crosse.
663thy head? Can'st not heare? And t'were not as good a
664deed as drinke, to break the pate of thee, I am a very Vil-
665laine. Come and be hang'd, hast no faith in thee?
666 Enter Gads-hill.
667Gad. Good-morrow Carriers. What's a clocke?
668Car. I thinke it be two a clocke.
670ding in the stable.
672of that.
673Gad. I prethee lend me thine.
676Gad. Sirra Carrier: What time do you mean to come
677to London?
6782. Car. Time enough to goe to bed with a Candle, I
679warrant thee. Come neighbour Mugges, wee'll call vp
680the Gentlemen, they will along with company, for they
681haue great charge. Exeunt
682 Enter Chamberlaine.
683Gad. What ho, Chamberlaine?
688lay'st the plot, how.
690rant that I told you yesternight. There's a Franklin in the
691wilde of Kent, hath brought three hundred Markes with
692him in Gold: I heard him tell it to one of his company last
693night at Supper; a kinde of Auditor, one that hath abun-
694dance of charge too (God knowes what) they are vp al-
695ready, and call for Egges and Butter. They will away
697Gad. Sirra, if they meete not with S. Nicholas Clarks,
698Ile giue thee this necke.
699Cham. No, Ile none of it: I prythee keep that for the
701ly as a man of falshood may.
703hang, Ile make a fat payre of Gallowes. For, if I hang,
704old Sir Iohn hangs with mee, and thou know'st hee's no
705Starueling. Tut, there are other Troians that yu dream'st
708look'd into) for their owne Credit sake, make all Whole.
711hu'd-Maltwormes, but with Nobility, and Tranquilitie;
714then drinke, and drinke sooner then pray: and yet I lye,
715for they pray continually vnto their Saint the Common-
716wealth; or rather, not to pray to her, but prey on her: for
717they ride vp & downe on her, and make hir their Boots.
718Cham. What, the Commonwealth their Bootes? Will
719she hold out water in foule way?
723Cham. Nay, I thinke rather, you are more beholding
726Gad. Giue me thy hand.
728As I am a true man.
731Gad. Goe too: Homo is a common name to all men.
733well, ye muddy Knaue. Exeunt.
e2 Scena