Shakespeare in Performance: Company
Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss
Company Name | Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss |
Company Type | Festival |
Location | Neuss, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany |
Website | Official Website |
Related Artifacts | |
Artifacts for Related Productions |
About the Company
The Shakespeare Festival, which takes place annually in the early summer, is organised by artistic director Dr. Rainer Wiertz and head of production Andreas Giesen. Fans of Shakespeare's dramatic, turbulent, witty plays make the journey to the Rhine from all over Germany and are inspired by the atmosphere. Theatre companies from all four corners of the world contribute to this festival, bringing international flair to Neuss for four weeks of the year in June and July.
contributor information not available
(Productions are in reverse chronological order)
As You Like It (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Comedie des Erreurs (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Comedy of Errors (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Hamlet (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Hamlet (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Hamlet (from the East) (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Kupenga Kwa Hamlet (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Macbeth (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Richard III (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Troilus und Cressida (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Viel Larm um Nichts (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Was ihr wollt (2011, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
A Midsummer Night's Dream (2010, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Ahogy Tetszik Wie Es Euch Gefallt (2010, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Die Zahmung der Widerspenstigen (2010, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Ein Sommernachtstraum (2010, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Heinrich VIII (2010, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Julius Casar Cleopatra Antonius Im Kreis der Wolfe (2010, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Much Ado About Nothing (2010, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Tempete! (2010, Compagnie Irina Brook, Germany) .... playgroup
Der Kaufmann von Venedig (2008, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
En attendant le Songe (2008, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Ende gut, alles gut (2008, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Filter's Twelfth Night (2008, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Hamlet (2008, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Julius Caesar (2008, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
La Mégère à peu près apprivoisée (2008, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Romeo and Juliet (2008, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
„The Winter's Tale“ Das Wintermärchen (2008, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
A Midsummer Night's Dream (2007, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Das Wintermärchen (2007, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Ein Königreich für einen Ball (2007, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Hamlet (2007, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Macbeth (2007, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Romeo and Juliet (2007, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Shakespeares Sämtliche Werke (2007, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
The Taming of the Shrew (2007, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Twelfth Night (2007, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Was Ihr Wollt (2007, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
A Midsummer Night's Dream from the East (2006, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Comedy of Errors (Komödie der Irrungen) (2006, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Hamlet (2006, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Richard III (2006, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Romeo und Julia (2006, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Rosenkranz and Güldenstern sind tot (2006, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Titus Andronicus (2006, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Twelfth Night (Was Ihr Wollt) (2006, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Was ihr Wollt (2006, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Wie es euch gefällt (2006, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Zwei Herren aus Verona (2006, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Coriolan (2005, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Hamlet (2005, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Il Mercante di Venezia (Der Kaufmann von Venedig) (2005, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
König Johann (2005, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Macbeth (2005, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Romeo und Julia (2005, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
The Merry Wives of Windsor (2005, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
The Winter's Tale (2005, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Viel Lärm um Nichts (2005, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Was Ihr wollt (2005, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Comedy of Errors (2004, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Ein Sommernachtstraum (2004, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
LEAR: Ovvero tutto su mio padre (2004, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Macbeth (2004, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Much Ado About Nothing (2004, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Othello (2004, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Perikles (2004, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Shakespeare in Trouble (2004, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Timon of Athens (2004, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Venus und Adonis (2004, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
A Midsummer Night's Dream (2003, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Der Kaufmann von Venedig (2003, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Die Zähmung der Widerspenstigen (2003, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Ein Sommernachtstraum (2003, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Ende gut, alles gut (2003, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Hamlet (2003, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Macbeth (2003, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Macbeth (2003, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Shake (Was Ihr wollt) (2003, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Vell Jedöhns wääje Nüß (2003, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
Wie es Euch gefällt (2003, Shakespeare Festival im Globe Neuss, Germany) .... theater company
: Film production
: Performance