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  • Title: The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

    the merry wives of windsor.
    For. Is this a dreame? Is it a vision?
    Maister Ford, maister Ford, awake maister Ford,
    There is a hole made in your best coat M. Ford,
    1809.1And a man shall not only endure this wrong,
    But shall stand vnder the taunt of names,
    Lucifer is a good name, Barbason good : good
    Diuels names: But cuckold, wittold, godeso
    1809.5The diuel himselfe hath not such a name:
    And they may hang hats here, and napkins here
    Vpon my hornes: Well Ile home, I ferit him,
    1815And vnlesse the diuel himselfe should aide him,
    Ile search vnpossible places: Ile about it,
    1816.1Least I repent too late:
    1820Exit omnes.
    Enter M. Fenton, Page, and mistresse
    1567.1Fen: Tell me sweet Nan, how doest thou yet (resolue,
    Shall foolish Slender haue thee to his wife?
    Or one as wise as he, the learned Doctor?
    Shall such as they enioy thy maiden hart?
    1567.5Thou knowst that I haue alwaies loued thee deare,
    And thou hast oft times swore the like to me.
    An: Good M. Fenton, you may assure your selfe
    My hart is setled vpon none but you,
    Tis as my father and mother please:
    1567.10Get their consent, you quickly shall haue mine.
    Fen: Thy father thinks I loue thee for his wealth,
    Tho I must needs confesse at first that drew me,
    But since thy vertues wiped that trash away,
    I loue thee Nan, and so deare is it set,
    That whilst I liue, I nere shall thee forget.
    Quic: Godes