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  • Title: The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

    A pleasant Comedie, of
    Mis. For. Go get you in. Well sir Iohn,
    1362.5I beleeue I shall serue you such a trick,
    You shall haue little mind to come againe.
    Enter Sir Iohn.
    Fal. Haue I caught my heauenlie Iewel?
    Why now let me die. I haue liued long inough,
    This is the happie houre I haue desired to see,
    Now shall I sin in my wish,
    I would thy husband were dead.
    1393.1Mis. For. Why how then sir Iohn?
    Fal. By the Lord, Ide make thee my Ladie.
    1395Mis. For Alas sir Iohn, I should be a verie simple
    Fal. Goe too, I see how thy eie doth emulate
    the Diamond.
    And how the arched bent of thy brow
    Would become the ship tire, the tire vellet,
    1400Or anie Venetian attire, I see it.
    Mis. For. A plaine kercher sir Iohn, would fit me(better.
    Fal. By the Lord thou art a traitor to saie so:
    What made me loue thee? Let that perswade thee
    Ther's somewhat extraordinarie in thee: Goe too
    1412.1 I loue thee:
    Mistris Ford, I cannot cog, I cannot prate, like one
    Of these fellowes that smels like Bucklers-berie,
    1415In simple time, but I loue thee,
    And none but thee.
    Mis. For. Sir Iohn, I am afraid you loue misteris (Page.
    Fal. I thou mightest as well saie
    I loue to walke by the Counter gate,
    1420VVhich is as hatefull to me
    As the reake of a lime kill.