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  • Title: The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

    the merry wives of windsor.
    O Lord if my husband should see this Letter,
    Ifaith this would euen giue edge to his Iealousie.
    642.1Enter Ford, Page, Pistoll and Nym.
    Mis. Pa. See where our husbands are,
    645Mine's as far from Iealousie,
    As I am from wronging him.
    645.1Pis. Ford the words I speake are forst:
    Beware, take heed, for Falstaffe loues thy wife:
    653.1When Pistoll lies do this.
    Ford. Why sir my wife is not young.
    655Pis. He wooes both yong and old, both rich and (poore
    None comes amis. I say he loues thy wife:
    656.1Faire warning did I giue, take heed,
    665For sommer comes, and Cuckoo birds appeare:
    665.1Page belieue him what he ses. Away sir Corporall(Nym.
    Exit Pistoll:
    Nym. Syr the humor of it is, he loues your wife,
    670I should ha borne the humor Letter to her:
    I speake and I auouch tis true: My name is Nym.
    675 Farwell, I loue not the humor of bread and cheese:
    675.1And theres the humor of it. Exit Nym.
    Pa. The humor of it, quoth you:
    Heres a fellow frites humor out of his wits.
    Mis. Pa. How now sweet hart, how dost thou?
    687.1Enter Mistresse Quickly.
    Pa. How now man? How do you mistris Ford?
    Mis. For. Well I thanke you good M. Page.
    How now husband, how chaunce thou art so me-
    Ford. Melancholy, I am not melancholy.
    690Goe get you in, goe.
    Mis. For. God saue me, see who yonder is:
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