the merry wives of windsor.
1530.2925For. Well Ile not let it go
so, yet Ile trie further.
1537926S. Hu. By Ie
shu if there be any body in the kitchin
1538927Or the cuberts, or the pre
sse, or the buttery,
928I am an arrant Iew: Now God ple
sse me:
1541930Pa. Fie
M. F
ord you are too blame:
1541.1931Mis. Pa. Ifaith tis not well
M. Ford to
ct 1541.4934For. Wel I pray bear with me,
M.Page pardõ me.
ffer for it, I
ffer for it:
1545936Sir Hu: You
ffer for a bad con
science looke you
(now: 1550937Ford: Well I pray no more, another time Ile tell
1549939The mean time go dine with me, pardõ me wife,
940I am
M. Page pray goe in to dinner,
941Another time Ile tell you all.
1553942Pa: Wel let it be
so, and to morrow I inuite you all
1554943To my hou
se to dinner: and in the morning weele
1555944A birding, I haue an excellent Hauke for the bu
1551945Ford: Let it be
so: Come
M. Page, come wife:
1552946I pray you come in all, your welcome, pray come
(in. 1552.1947Sir Hu: By
so kad vdgme,
M. Fordes is
1705951Fal: Bardolfe brew me a pottle
sack pre
1707953Fal: Simply of it
selfe, Ile none of the
se pullets
(sperme 954In my drinke: goe make ha
1683955Haue I liued to be carried in a ba
E2 And