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  • Title: The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

    A pleasant conceited Co-
    medie, of Syr Iohn Falstaffe, and the
    merry Wiues of VVindsor.

    Enter Iustice Shallow, Syr Hugh, Maister Page,
    and Slender.

    Shal. NEre talke to me, Ile make a star-cham-
    ber matter of it.
    The Councell shall know it.
    36.1Pag. Nay good maister Shallow be perswaded by (mee.
    Slen. Nay, surely my vncle shall not put it vp so.
    Sir Hu. Wil you not heare reasons M. Slenders?
    You should heare reasons.
    36.5Shal. Tho he be a knight, he shall not thinke to
    carrie it so away.
    M. Page I will not be wronged. For you
    Syr, I loue you, and for my cousen
    He comes to looke vpon your daughter.
    36.10Pa. And heres my hand, and if my daughter
    Like him so well as I, wee'l quickly haue it a match:
    In the meane time let me intreat you to soiourne
    Here a while. And on my life Ile vndertake
    To make you friends.
    36.15Sir Hu. I pray you M. Shallowes let it be so.