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  • Title: The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Merry Wives of Windsor (Quarto 1, 1602)

    the merry wives of windsor.
    with one patience, that I am sure you would hartily
    grieue to see him. Now Sir Hugh, you are a scholler
    1203.1well red, and verie perswasiue, we would intreate
    you to see if you could intreat him to patience.
    Sir Hu. I pray you who is it? Let vs know that.
    Pa. I am shure you know him, tis Doctor Cayus.
    Sir Hu. I had as leeue you should tel me of a messe(of poredge,
    1215He is an arant lowsie beggerly knaue:
    And he is a coward beside.
    Pa. Why Ile laie my life tis the man
    That he should fight withall.
    1217.1Enter Doctor and the Host, they
    offer to fight.
    1220Shal. Keep them asunder, take away their wea-(pons.
    Host. Disarme, let them question.
    Shal. Let them keep their limbs hole, and hack
    1225 our English.
    Doc. Hark van vrd in your eare. You be vn daga
    And de Iack, coward preest.
    Sir Hu. Harke you, let vs not be laughing stockes
    to other mens humors. By Ieshu I will knock your
    vrinalls about your knaues cockcomes, for missing
    1233.1your meetings and appointments.
    1235Doc. O Ieshu mine host of de garter, Iohn Rogoby,
    Haue I not met him at de place he make apoint,
    1236.1Haue I not?
    Sir Hu. So kad vdge me, this is the pointment (place,
    Witnes by my Host of the garter.
    Host. Peace I say gawle and gawlia, French and(Wealch,
    Soule curer, and bodie curer.
    Doc. This is verie braue, excellent.
    Host. Peace I say, heare mine host of the garter,
    D3 Am