the merry wives of windsor.
387231Pis. And I to
Foord will likewi
se tell
Falstaffe varlot vilde,
389233Would haue her loue, his doue would proue,
395236Pis. Ile
second thee :
sir Corporall
Nym troope
(on. 398238Enter Mistresse Quickly, and Simple.
415239Quic. M. S
lender is your Ma
sters name
say you?
416240Sim. I indeed that is his name.
416.1241Quic. How
say you? I take it hee is
somewhat a
417243And he has as it were a whay coloured beard.
420244Sim. Indeed my mai
sters beard is kane colored.
420.1245Quic. Kane colour, you
say well.
420.2246And is this Letter from
Yon, about Mi
420.5249Quic. So: and your Mai
ster would haue me as
420.6250it twere to
speak to mi
Anne concerning him:
hath a great affectioned mind
420.8252to mi
Anne him
selfe. And if he
should know
420.9253that I
should as they
say, giue my verdit for any one
420.10254but him
selfe, I
should heare of it throughly : For
429255I tell you friend, he puts all his priuities in me.
429.1256Sim. I by my faith you are a good
staie to hi
M. 429.2257Quic. Am I? I and you knew all yowd
485258 Wa
shing, brewing, baking, all goes through my
(hands, 485.1259Or el
se it would be but a woe hou
488260Sim. I be
shrow me, one woman to do all this,
B3 Is.