of Richard the third.
33272960Yet this good comfort bring I to your grace,
33282961The Brittaine nauie is di
st, Richmond in Dor
33292962Sent out a boate to a
ske them on the
33312963If they were his a
ssistants yea, or no
: 33322964Who an
swered him, they came from Buckingham,
33332965Vpon his partie, he mi
sting them,
st sale, and made away for Brittaine.
33352967King. March on, march on,
since we are vp in armes,
33362968If not to
fight with forreine enemies,
33372969Yet to beate downe, the
se rebels here at home.
33392971Cat. My liege, the Duke of Buckingham is taken,
33402972Thats the be
st newes, that the
Earle of Richmond,
33412973Is with a mightie power landed at Milford,
33422974Is colder tidings, yet they mu
st be told
. 33432975King. Away towardes Salisburie, while we rea
son here,
33442976A royall battell might be wonne and lo
st. 33452977Some one take order, Buckingham be brought,
33462978To Salisburie, the re
st march on with me.
Exeunt. 33492980Dar. Sir Chri
stapher, tell Richmond this from me,
33502981That in the
stie of this mo
st bloudie bore,
sonne George Stanlie is franckt vp in hold,
33522983If I reuolt, o
ff goes young Georges head,
33532984The feare of that, with holdes my pre
sent aide,
33572985But tell me, where is princelie Richmond now?
33582986Christ. At Pembroke, or at Harford-we
st in Wales.
33592987Dar. What men of name re
sort to him.
33602988S.Christ. Sir Walter Herbert, a renowned
33612989Sir Gilbert Talbot, Sir William Stanlie,
33622990Oxford, redoubted Pembroke, Sir Iames Blunt,
33632991Rice vp Thomas, with a valiant crew,
33642992With many moe of noble fame and worth,
33652993And towardes London they doe bend their cour
33662994If by the way, they be not fought withall.
33672995Dar. Retourne vnto thy Lord, commend me to him,
3367.12996Tell him, the Queene hath hartelie con
shall e
se Elizabeth her daughter,
L. These