The Tragedy
Bona sister to the king of Fraunce,
se both put by a poore petitioner
24052163A care-crazd mother of a many children,
24062164A beauty-waining and di
ssed widow,
24072165Euen in the afternoone of her be
st daies
24082166Made pri
se and purcha
se of his lu
stfull eye,
24092167Seduc't the pitch and height of al his thoughts,
24102168To ba
se declen
sion and loathd bigamie,
24112169By her in his vnlawfull bed he got.
24122170This Edward whom our maners terme the prince,
24132171More bitterlie could I expo
24142172Saue that for reuerence to
some aliue
24152173I giue a
sparing limit to my tongue:
24162174Then good my Lord, take to your royall
24172175This pro
ffered bene
fit of dignitie:
24182176If not to ble
sse vs and the land withall,
24192177Yet to draw out your royall
24202178From the corruption of abu
sing time,
24212179Vnto a lineall true deriued cour
. 24222180Maior. Do good my Lord, your Cittizens entreat you.
24242181Cates. O make them ioifull grant their lawful
24252182Glo. Alas, why would you heape the
se cares on me,
24262183I am vn
fit for
state and dignitie,
24272184I do be
seech you take it not ami
24282185I cannot nor I will not yeeld to you.
24292186Buck. If you refu
se it as in loue and zeale,
24302187Loath to depo
se the child your brothers
24312188As well we know your tendernes of heart,
24322189And gentle kind e
ffeminate remor
24332190Which wee haue noted in you to your kin,
24342191And egallie indeed to all e
24352192Yet whether you accept our
suite or no,
24362193Your brothers
shall neuer raigne our king,
24372194But we will plant
some other in the throane,
24382195To the di
sgrace and downfall of your hou
24392196And in this re
solution here we leaue you.
24402197Come Citizens, zounds ile intreat no more.
2440.12198Glo. O do not
sweare my Lord of Buckingham.