of Richard the third.
should not blemi
sh them if I
stood by:
315300As all the world is cheered by the
316301So I by that, it is my day, my life.
317302La. Blacke night ouer
shade thy day, and death thy life.
318303Glo. Cur
se not thy
selfe faire creature, thou art both.
320304La. I would I were to be reuenged on thee.
321305Glo. It is a quarrell mo
st vnnaturall,
322306To be reuengd on him that loueth you.
323307La. It is a quarrell iu
st and rea
324308To be reuengd on him that
slew my husband.
325309Glo. He that bereft thee Lady of thy husband,
326310Did it to helpe thee to a better husband.
327311La. His better doth not breath vpon the earth.
328312Glo. Go to, he liues that loues you better then he could.
329313La. Name him.
Glo. Plantagenet.
332315Glo. The
same name but one of better nature
. 333316La. Where is he.
Shee spitteth at him. 335318Why doe
st thou
spitte at me.
336319La. Would it were mortall poi
son for thy
337320Glo. Neuer came poi
son from
sweete a place.
338321La. Neuer hung poi
son on a fouler toade,
339322Out of my
sight thou doe
st infe
ct my eies.
340323Glo. Thine eies
sweete Lady haue infe
cted mine.
341324La. Would they were ba
skes to
strike thee dead
. 342325Glo. I would they were that I might die at once,
343326For now they kill me with a liuing death:
se eies of thine from mine haue drawen
salt teares,
345328Shamd their a
ct with
store of childi
sh drops:
358329I neuer
sued to friend nor enemy,
359330My tongue could neuer learne
soothing words:
360331But now thy beauty is propo
sde my fee:
361332My proud heart
sues and prompts my tongue to
363333Teach not thy lips
scorne, for they were made
364334For ki
ssing Lady not for
such contempt.
365335If thy reuengefull heart cannot forgiue,
366336Lo here I lend thee this
sharpe pointed
B2 Which