The Tragedy
1020945To threaten me with death, is mo
st vnlawfull:
1021946I charge you as you hope to haue redemption,
1021.1947By Chri
sts deare bloud
shed for our grieuous
1022948That you depart and lay no hands on me,
1023949The deede you vndertake is damnable.
10249501 What we will doe, we doe vpon command
. 10259512 And he that hath commanded, is the King.
1026952Clar. Erronious Va
ssaile, the great King of Kings,
1027953Hath in the tables of his law commanded,
1028954That thou
shalt doe no murder, and wilt thou then
1029955Spurne at his edi
ct, and ful
fill a mans?
1030956Take heede, for he holds vengeance in his hands,
1031957To hurle vpon their heads that breake his law
. 10329582 And that
same vengeance doth he throw on thee,
1033959For fal
se for
swearing, and for murder too:
1034960Thou did
st receiue the holy
fight in quarell of the hou
se of Lanca
. 10369621 And like a traitor to the name of God,
st breake that vowe, and with thy trecherous blade,
1038964Vnript the bowels of thy
10399652 Whom thou wert
sworne to cheri
sh and defend.
10409661 How can
st thou vrge Gods dreadfull Law to vs,
1041967When thou ha
st broke it in
so deare degree?
1042968Cla. Alas, for who
sake did I that ill deede,
1043969For Edward, for my brother, for his
sirs, he
sends ye not to murder me for this,
1045971For in this
sinne he is as deepe as I:
1046972If God will be reuenged for this deede,
1048973Take not the quarrell from his powerfull arme,
1049974He needes no indire
ct, nor lawle
sse cour
1050975To cut o
ff tho
se that haue o
ffended him.
10519761 Who made thee then a bloudy mini
1052977When gallant
springing braue Plantagenet,
1053978That Princely Nouice was
stroke dead by thee?
1054979Cla. My brothers loue, the diuell, and my rage.
10559801 Thy brothers loue, the diuell and thy fault
1056981Haue brought vs hither now to murder thee.
1057982Cla. Oh if you loue my brother, hate not me,
I am