34043030Enter Richmond with drums and trumpets. 34063031Rich. Fellowes in armes, and my mo
st louing friendes,
sd vnderneath the yoake of tyrannie,
34083033Thus farre into the bowels of the land,
34093034Haue we marcht on without impediment,
34103035And here receiue we, from our Father Stanlie,
of Richard the third.
34113036Lines of faire comfort, and incouragement,
34123037The wretched, bloudie, and v
surping bore,
spoild your
fieldes, and fruitfull vines,
34143039Swils your warme bloud like wa
sh, and makes his trough,
34153040In your inboweld bo
somes, this foule
34163041Lies now euen in the center of this Ile,
34173042Neare to the towne of Leyce
ster as we learne:
34183043From Tamworth thether, is but one dayes march.
34193044In Gods name cheerelie on, couragious friendes,
34203045To reape the harue
st of perpetuall peace,
34213046By this one bloudie triall of
sharpe warre.
342230471 Lo. Euerie mans con
science is a thou
fight again
st that bloudie homicide.
342430492 Lo. I doubt not but his friendes will
flie to vs
. 342530503 Lo. He hath no friendes, but who are friendes for feare,
34263051Which in his greate
st neede will
shrinke from him.
34273052Rich. All for our vantage, then in Gods name march,
34283053True hope is
swift, and
flies with Swallowes wings,
34293054Kings it make Gods, and meaner creatures kings.