The comicall Historie of
177178And many
Iasons come in que
st of her.
178179O my
Anthonio, had I but the meanes
179180To hold a riuall place with one of them,
180181I haue a minde pre
sages me
such thrift
181182That I
should que
sse be fortunate.
182183Anth. Thou know
st that all my fortunes are at
183184Neither haue I money, nor commoditie
184185To rai
se a pre
summe, therefore goe forth
185186Try what my credite can in Venice doe,
shall be rackt euen to the vttermo
st 187188To furni
sh thee to
Belmont to faire
188189Goe pre
sently enquire and
so will I
189190where money is, and I no que
stion make
190191To haue it of my tru
st, or for my
Exeunt. 192192Enter Portia with her wayting woman Nerrissa. 194193Portia. By my troth
Nerrissa, my little body is awearie of this
196195Ner. You would be
sweet Madam, if your mi
series were in the
197196same aboundance as your good fortunes are: and yet for ought I
198197see, they are as
sicke that
surfeite with too much, as they that
199198with nothing; it is no meane happines therfore to be
seated in the
fluitie comes
sooner by white haires, but competen
- 202201Portia. Good
sentences, and well pronounc'd.
203202Ner. They would be better if well followed.
204203Portia. If to do were as ea
sie as to know what were good to do,
205204Chappels had beene Churches, and poore mens cottages Princes
206205Pallaces, it is a good diuine that followes his owne in
ctions, I
207206can ea
sier teach twentie what were good to be done, then to be one
208207of the twentie to follow mine owne teaching: the braine may de
- 209208ui
se lawes for the blood, but a hote temper leapes ore a colde de
- 210209cree,
such a hare is madnes the youth, to
skippe ore the me
shes of
211210good coun
saile the cripple; but this rea
soning is not in the fa
212211to choo
se mee a hu
sband, ô mee the word choo
se, I may neyther
se who I would, nor refu
se who I di
so is the will of a ly
- 214213uing daughter curbd by the will of a deade father: is it not harde