the Merchant of Venice.
873869with ouer-wetherd ribbs and ragged
874870leane, rent, and beggerd by the
strumpet wind?
876872Sal. Heere comes
Lorenzo, more of this hereafter.
877873Lor. Sweet freends, your patience for my long abode
878874not I but my a
ffaires haue made you waite:
879875when you
shall plea
se to play the theeues for wiues
880876Ile watch as long for you then: approch
881877here dwels my father Iew. Howe who
se within?
883879Iess. Who are you? tell me for more certainty,
884880Albeit Ile
sweare that I doe know your tongue.
885881Lor. Lorenzo and thy loue.
886882Iessica. Lorenzo certaine, and my loue indeed,
887883for who loue I
so much? and now who knowes
888884but you
Lorenzo whether I am yours?
889885Lor. Heauen & thy thoughts are witnes that thou art.
890886Ies. Heere catch this ca
sket, it is worth the paines,
891887I am glad tis night you doe not looke on me,
892888for I am much a
shamde of my exchange:
893889But loue is blinde, and louers cannot
894890The pretty follies that them
selues commit,
895891for if they could,
Cupid him
selfe would blu
sh 896892to
see me thus trans-formed to a boy.
897893Lor. De
scend, for you mu
st be my torch-bearer.
898894Ies. What, mu
st I hold a candle to my
899895they in them
selues good
sooth are too too light.
900896Why, tis an o
ffice of di
scouery loue,
901897and I
should be ob
903899euen in the louely garni
sh of a boy, but come at once,
904900for the clo
se night doth play the runaway,
905901and we are
staid for at
Bassanios fea
906902Ies. I will make fa
st the doores & guild my
some mo ducats, and be with you
908904Gra. Now by my hoode a gentle, and no Iew.
909905Lor. Be
shrow me but I loue her hartilie,
D2 for