The Comicall Historie of
549545or good
Launcelet Iobbe, v
se your legges, take the
start, runne a
- 550546way, my con
sayes no; take heede hone
st Launcelet, take
551547heede hone
st Iobbe, or as afore-
saide hone
st Launcelet Iobbe, doe
552548not runne,
scorne running with thy heeles; well, the mo
st cora
- 553549gious
fiend bids me packe,
fia sayes the
fiend, away
sayes the
554550for the heauens rou
se vp a braue minde
sayes the
fiend, and runne;
555551well, my con
science hanging about the necke of my heart,
556552very wi
sely to mee: my hone
st friend
Launcelet beeing an hone
st 557553mans
sonne, or rather an hone
st womans
sonne, for indeede my
558554Father did
something grow to; he had a kinde
559555of ta
st; well, my con
Launcelet bouge not, bouge
fiend, bouge not
sayes my con
science, con
say I you
saile wel,
say I you coun
saile well, to be ruld by my con
- 562558science, I
stay with the Iewe my Mai
ster, (who God ble
563559the marke) is a kinde of deuill; and to runne away from the Iewe I
564560should be ruled by the
fiend, who
sauing your reuerence is the de
- 565561uill him
selfe: certainely the Iewe is the very deuill incarnation, and
566562in my con
science, my con
science is but a kinde of hard con
- 567563ence, to o
ffer to coun
saile mee to
stay with the Iewe; the
568564giues the more friendly coun
saile: I will runne
fiend, my heeles
569565are at your commaundement, I will runne.
570566Enter old Gobbo with a basket. 571567Gobbo. Mai
ster young-man, you I pray you, which is the way
573569Launcelet. O heauens, this is my true begotten Father, who be
- 574570ing more then
sand blinde, high grauell blinde, knowes me not, I
575571will try confu
sions with him.
576572Gobbo. Mai
ster young Gentleman, I pray you which is the way
578574Launcelet. Turne vp on your right hand at the next turning,
579575but at the next turning of all on your left; marry at the very next
580576turning turne of no hand, but turne downe indire
ctly to the Iewes
582578Gobbo. Be Gods
sonties twill be a hard way to hit, can you tell