the Merchant of Venice.
654651Gob. He hath a great infe
sir, as one would
say to
655652Lau. Indeede the
short and the long is,
I serue the Iewe, & haue
656653a de
sire as my Father
657654Gob. His Mai
ster and he (
sauing your wor
ships reuerence) are
659656Lau. To be briefe, the very truth is, that the Iewe hauing done
660657me wrong, dooth cau
se me as my Father being I hope an old man
661658shall fruti
fie vnto you.
662659Gob. I haue heere a di
sh of Doues that I would be
stow vppon
663660your wor
ship, and my
sute is.
664661Lau. In very briefe, the
sute is impertinent to my
selfe, as your
shall knowe by this hone
st old man, and though I
say it,
666663though old man, yet poore man my Father.
667664Bass. One
speake for both, what would you?
669666Gob. That is the very defe
ct of the matter
670667Bass. I know thee well, thou ha
st obtaind thy
671668Shylocke thy Mai
spoke with me this day,
672669And hath preferd thee, if it be preferment
673670To leaue a rich Iewes
seruice, to become
674671The follower of
so poore a Gentleman.
675672Clowne. The old prouerb is very well parted betweene my Mai
676673Shylocke and you
sir, you haue the grace of God
sir, and hee
678675Bass. Thou
st it well; goe Father with thy Sonne
679676Take leaue of thy old Mai
ster, and enquire
680677My lodging out, giue him a Lyuerie
681678More garded then his fellowes:
see it done.
682679Clowne. Father in, I cannot get a
seruice, no, I haue nere a tong
683680in my head, wel: if any man in Italy haue a fayrer table which
684681dooth o
ffer to
sweare vpon a booke, I
shall haue good fortune;
685682goe too, heere's a
simple lyne of life, heeres a
small try
fle of wiues,
fifteene wiues is nothing, a leuen widdowes and nine maydes
687684is a
simple comming in for one man, and then to
scape drowning
688685thrice, and to be in perrill of my life with the edge of a featherbed,
689686heere are
well, if Fortune be a woman
she's a good
690687wench for this gere: Father come, ile take my leaue of the Iewe in
C3 the