The comicall Historie of
25292523Por. Euen
so voyd is your fal
se hart of truth.
25302524By heauen I will nere come in your bed
25352529if you did know to whom I gaue the ring,
25362530if you did know for whom
I gaue the ring,
25372531and would conceaue for what
I gaue the ring,
25382532and how vnwillingly I left the ring,
25392533when naught would be accepted but the ring,
25402534you would abate the
strength of your di
25412535Por. If you had knowne the vertue of the ring,
25422536or halfe her worthines that gaue the ring,
25432537or your owne honour to containe the ring,
25442538you would not then haue parted with the ring:
25452539what man is there
so much vnrea
25462540if you had plea
sd to haue defended it
25472541with any termes of zeale: wanted the mode
25482542to vrge the thing held as a ceremonie:
25492543Nerrissa teaches me what to beleeue,
25502544ile die for't, but
some woman had the ring?
25512545Bass. No by my honour Madam, by my
25522546no woman had it, but a ciuill Do
25532547which did refu
se three thou
sand ducats of me,
25542548and begd the ring, the which I did denie him,
fferd him to goe di
sd away,
25562550euen he that had held vp the very life
25572551of my deere friend. What
I say
sweet Lady,
25582552I was inforc'd to
send it after him,
25592553I was be
set with
shame and curte
25602554my honour would not let ingratitude
25612555so much be
smere it: pardon me good Lady,
25622556for by the
se ble
ssed candels of the night,
25632557had you been there, I think you would haue begd
25642558the ring of me to giue the worthy Do
25652559Por. Let not that Do
ctor ere come neere my hou