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  • Title: The Merchant of Venice (Quarto 1, 1600)
  • Editor: Janelle Jenstad

  • Copyright Janelle Jenstad. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Janelle Jenstad
    Not Peer Reviewed

    The Merchant of Venice (Quarto 1, 1600)

    the Merchant of Venice.
    mee whether one Launcelet that dwels with him, dwell with him
    or no.
    585Launcelet. Talke you of young Maister Launcelet, marke mee
    nowe, nowe will I raise the waters; talke you of young Maister
    Gobbo. No Maister sir, but a poore mans Sonne, his Father
    though I say't is an honest exceeding poore man, and God bee
    590thanked well to liue.
    Launce. Well, let his Father be what a will, wee talke of young
    Maister Launcelet.
    Gob. Your worships friend and Launcelet sir.
    Launce. But I pray you ergo olde man, ergo I beseech you, talke
    595you of young Maister Launcelet.
    Gob. Of Launcelet ant please your maistership.
    Launce. Ergo Maister Launcelet, talke not of maister Launcelet
    Father, for the young Gentleman according to fates and deste-
    nies, and such odd sayings, the sisters three, and such braunches of
    600learning, is indeede deceased, or as you would say in plaine termes,
    gone to heauen.
    Gobbo. Marry God forbid, the boy was the very staffe of my
    age, my very prop.
    Launcelet. Doe I looke like a cudgell or a houell post, a staffe,
    605or a prop: doe you know me Father.
    Gobbo. Alacke the day, I knowe you not young Gentleman,
    but I pray you tell mee, is my boy GOD rest his soule aliue or
    Launcelet. Doe you not know me Father.
    610Gobbo. Alack sir I am sand blind, I know you not.
    Launcelet. Nay, in deede if you had your eyes you might fayle
    of the knowing mee: it is a wise Father that knowes his owne
    childe. Well, olde man, I will tell you newes of your sonne, giue
    mee your blessing, trueth will come to light, muder cannot bee
    615hidde long, a mannes Sonne may, but in the ende trueth will
    Gobbo. Pray you sir stand vp, I am sure you are not Launcelet
    my boy.
    C2 Launce.