the Merchant of Venice.
583579mee whether one
Launcelet that dwels with him, dwell with him
585581Launcelet. Talke you of young Mai
Launcelet, marke mee
586582nowe, nowe will I rai
se the waters; talke you of young Mai
588584Gobbo. No Mai
sir, but a poore mans Sonne, his Father
589585though I
say't is an hone
st exceeding poore man, and God bee
591587Launce. Well, let his Father be what a will, wee talke of young
593589Gob. Your wor
ships friend and
Launcelet sir.
594590Launce. But I pray you
ergo olde man,
ergo I be
seech you, talke
595591you of young Mai
596592Gob. Of
Launcelet ant plea
se your mai
597593Launce. Ergo Mai
Launcelet, talke not of mai
Launcelet 598594Father, for the young Gentleman according to fates and de
- 599595nies, and
such odd
sayings, the
sisters three, and
such braunches of
600596learning, is indeede decea
sed, or as you would
say in plaine termes,
602598Gobbo. Marry God forbid, the boy was the very
ffe of my
604600Launcelet. Doe I looke like a cudgell or a houell po
st, a
605601or a prop: doe you know me Father.
606602Gobbo. Alacke the day, I knowe you not young Gentleman,
607603but I pray you tell mee, is my boy GOD re
st his
soule aliue or
609605Launcelet. Doe you not know me Father.
610606Gobbo. Alack
sir I am
sand blind, I know you not.
611607Launcelet. Nay, in deede if you had your eyes you might fayle
612608of the knowing mee: it is a wi
se Father that knowes his o
613609childe. Well, olde man, I will tell you newes of your
sonne, giue
614610mee your ble
ssing, trueth will come to light, muder cannot bee
615611hidde long, a mannes Sonne may, but in the ende trueth
617613Gobbo. Pray you
stand vp, I am
sure you are not
Launcelet C2 Launce.