The comciall Historie of
22332227Por. Art thou contented Iew? what do
st thou
22352229Por. Clarke, draw a deede of gift.
22362230Shy. I pray you giue me leaue to goe from hence,
22372231I am not well,
send the deede after me,
22392233Duke. Get thee gone, but doe it.
22402234Shy. In chri
shalt thou haue two Godfathers,
22412235had I beene iudge, thou
st haue had ten more,
22422236to bring thee to the gallowes, not to the font.
Exit. 22432237Duke. Sir I entreate you home with me to dinner.
22442238Por. I humbly doe de
sire your Grace of pardon,
22452239I mu
st away this night toward Padua,
22462240and it is meete I pre
set forth.
22472241Duke. I am
sorry that your ley
serues you not.
22482242Anthonio, grati
fie this gentleman,
22492243for in my mind you are much bound to him.
22512245Bass. Mo
st worthy gentleman, I and my friend
22522246haue by your wi
sedome been this day aquitted
22532247of greeuous penalties, in lewe whereof,
22542248three thou
sand ducats due vnto the
22552249wee freely cope your curtious paines withall.
22562250An. And
stand indebted ouer and aboue
22572251in loue and
seruice to you euer-more.
22582252Por. Hee is well payd that is well
22592253and I deliuering you, am
22602254and therein doe account my
selfe well payd,
22612255my minde was neuer yet more mercinarie.
22622256I pray you know me when we meete againe,
22632257I wi
sh you well, and
so I take my leaue.
22642258Bass. Deere
sir, of force
I mu
st attempt you further,
some remembrance of vs as a tribute,
22662260not as fee: graunt me two things I pray you,
22672261not to deny me, and to pardon me.
22682262Por. You pre
sse me farre, and therefore
I wil yeeld,
22692263giue mee your gloues, Ile weare them for your