The comicall Historie of
12051200Shy. There I haue another bad match, a bankrout, a prodigall,
12061201who dare
shewe his head on the Ryalto, a begger that was
sd to come
smug vpon the Mart: let him looke to his bond,
12081203he was wont to call me v
surer, let him looke to his bond, hee was
12091204wont to lende money for a Chri
stian cur
sie, let him looke to his
12111206Salari. Why I am
sure if he forfaite, thou wilt not take his
12141208Shyl. To baite
fish with all, if it will feede nothing el
se, it will
12151209feede my reuenge; hee hath di
sgrac'd me, and hindred me halfe a
12161210million, laught at my lo
sses, mockt at my gaines,
scorned my Na
- 12171211tion, thwarted my bargaines, cooled my friends, heated mine ene
- 12181212mies, and whats his rea
son, I am a Iewe: Hath not a Iewe eyes,
12191213hath not a Iewe hands, organs, dementions,
sences, a
ctions, pa
12201214fed with the
same foode, hurt with the
same weapons,
- 12211215to the
same di
ses, healed by the
same meanes, warmed and
12221216cooled by the
same Winter and Sommer as a Chri
stian is: if you
12231217pricke vs doe we not bleede, if you tickle vs doe wee not laugh, if
12241218you poy
son vs doe wee not die, and if you wrong vs
shall wee not
12251219reuenge, if we are like you in the re
st, we will re
semble you in that.
12261220If a Iewe wrong a Chri
stian, what is his humillity, reuenge? If a
stian wrong a Iewe, what
should his
fferance be by Chri
- 12281222an example, why reuenge? The villanie you teach me I will exe
- 12291223cute, and it
shall goe hard but I will better the in
12311225Gentlemen, my mai
Anthonio is at his hou
se, and de
sires to
12331227Saleri. We haue beene vp and downe to
seeke him.
12351229Solanio. Heere comes another of the Tribe, a third cannot bee
12361230matcht, vnle
sse the deuill him
selfe turne Iewe.
Exeunt Gentlemen. 12381232Shy. How now
Tuball, what newes from Genowa, ha
st thou
12401234Tuball. I often came where I did heare of her, but cannot